Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Im so excited!" Harley beamed from beside me.

It was almost sunset and Bella decided to take everyone to view the beach. We all walked in 3 long lines that stretch for miles!

I nodded,"Do you think she's a good person? For letting everyone of for today to go view the beach."


"That's why I love her." I tried to throw the hint that Bella and I was in a relationship.

She smiled,"I was so surprised when Monica told me but then again, her and Malissa do have similar traits."

"Similar traits? Like what?" I questioned.

"Well for one, they're older. They both have a dominant aura and last but not least, they both look good." She named out.

I nodded,"I can't deny that, any of it actually."

We finally arrived to the beach, everyone was excited to get into the water but it had to be tested first. After about ten minutes, the scientists have the all clear that the water was good.

I took my shoes off and sat down in the sand closer to the water as most of the people played in the water.

"Well, Well, Well, long time no see." Someone said over my shoulder. I looked back at Malcolm and his other two friends.

I smiled at the three men,"I haven't see y'all since forever."

"Fox here couldn't believe it was you especially when we went into that community to help those people." Malcolm said while nodding towards Fox.

Terry smacked his lips,"And I still don't have a girlfriend."

"She will come sooner or later, you still got time." I laughed at them as they walked away arguing.

Bella sat down beside me and put her head on my shoulder.

I looked around,"Bella people will start looking."

"Im going to announce it in the meeting before we leave." She said.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded,"Whoever doesn't agree with it will face the consequences."

It was almost dark, I woke Bella up after she doze off.

"You should gather everyone up, we have to get back." I told her while pulling us both up.

"I will send most of the guards to take the children home first." She said.

She walked towards the water and motioned for everyone to get out. I started putting my shoes on as Monica and Harley approached me.

"I would ask you to take us to the strip club but I think I like being on your girlfriend good side." Monica said hitting my shoulder and laughing at the old joke.

Harley shook her head,"We've heard the guards talking about how ruthless she came get."

"If you guys just looking for fun just say that." I told them why laughing.

I looked at Harley,"I have you a boyfriend right now."

"Who?" She questioned.

"I will have to show you at the meeting, if I can find him."

Bella called all of us to gather around. She looked at me and I shook my head. There's no need to let people know that we're together. She frowned at me and began.

"I hope all of you enjoyed yourself. I figured all of us could use that fresh air." She cleared her throat.

"And for the couples, in the bunker I mentioned we didn't have enough resources for anyone to get pregnant. Now we're outside, you should enjoy yourselves." She frowned.

That came out wrong.

She continued,"Speaking of couples, My head guard and I have been together now for about a month."

Gasps were heard threw the crowd as they looked at me. Monica moved closer to me, as if she was waiting for anyone to say the wrong thing.

And someone did.

"I knew it!" Verdell laughed.

Bellas old head guard.

"That's why she had it so easy. Sharing a room with you, always doing things before everyone else!" He yelled.

"Your mad because she beat you at fighting!" Someone in the crowd screamed at him making everyone laugh.

Terry sounded like he was the loudest. I nudged Harley and pointed in his direction.

"That's him."

"He's not bad looking." She said admiring him.

"What's wrong with all of you?! She's only allowing women to get pregnant to add on to what she call a camp." Verdell screamed.

Damn, is this a man or a bitch? Bella slowly started to move closer to him. I started to move as she did.

"No. They have been waiting." Bella said, now standing face to face with him.

"And if you have anything else to say containing my guard, or any of my guards, speak now." She told him.

That Can only mean one thing.

She looked into the crowd,"Do any of you agree with him? Stand beside him."

They wasn't crazy. We have seen this happened one too many times before.

She looked back at him.,"Your alone? No friends? At least you won't be missed."

"Bella Stop." I interfered.

He laughed,"Im not the only one who isn't afraid of you."

Before I knew it, she had sliced his neck opened and his body dropped. Everyone screamed as he laid there gasping for breath.

She motioned to her guards,"Throw him into the water."

"Everyone be ready tomorrow, we will be working into midnight." She told them.

She put her knife back into her pocket and walked back towards the bunker with everyone following. I ended up at the back of the crowd, again. It was silent all the way to the bunker.

"I like her even more." Monica patted my shoulder and went the opposite direction to my room.

I walked to Bella room and the guards opened the door. Bella was in the shower so I grabbed me some clothes and waited. After about 15 minutes, she still wasn't finished. I removed my clothes and got in with her. She continued to wash herself as I did me.

She even stayed in until I finished.

When we got into the bed, I turned my back and got comfortable. I was halfway asleep when Bella grab my arm and wrapped it around her. Turning back around towards her, I kissed her on the head then laid back down.

"I have to tell you something...." She started.

I moved my arm and opened my eyes. If a woman ever tell you that, she's either about to break up with you or found out that you're cheating. In my case, it has to be the first one because I haven't cheated.

"I'm pregnant, Twins."

I smiled,"Well shit, go big or go home."


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