Chapter Nineteen

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"I need you to take some guards and search the houses over the hill." Bella said to me as we exit the bunker.

I nodded and proceeded towards the houses. There were guards everywhere, literally. I waited for the guards to finished with the first house to bring them, while waiting, Monica walked up to me.

"What are you doing?"

I shrugged,"Waiting on the guys to finish, we have to go to the village over the hill."

"Mind if I tag along?" She pleaded.

"Nope, I don't mind at all."

The guards approached us and nodded. We continued to walk threw the crowds until we eventually arrived back to the little community. Everyone separated going into different houses, I decided to check the other buildings before I move to the houses.

Opening the door, I looked around. Food was everywhere, even Candy. Did the slaves not eat? I continued searching an it didn't take long to figure out this was an only food storage.

"Sam!" Monica yelled.

I rushed back into the heat. Monica motioned for me to follow her, we finally stopped, she opened up the storage room and there it was, Two trucks. We looked at each other then smiled.

She ran to one an I ran to the other. I got in and searched around for the key.

The guards showed up and laughed excitedly.

"You guys found vehicles!"

I opened the door,"We have to find the keys."

They immediately went to the gas tank and removed the keys. How come I didn't think of that? I shrugged and started the truck.

"What did you find?" I asked them.

He shook his head,"Food, beds, wood, and nothing that could actually help us out."

"With these trucks, we should get things done a lot quicker." The other one agreed.

We followed Monica back over the hill. The working guards stood in shock as they witnessed we found not one, but two trucks.

I walked towards Bella,"We found food, lots of it. More beds and wood. Maybe even some machines to help build faster and Monica found the trucks."

"That's good, we can use them."

I thought about it,"I've seen some solar panels all over the houses maybe we can use them too?..."

"I'll let the electricians know." She told me then walked off.

I shrugged and glanced over to see how far they've made it on the food building. To my surprise, it was complete so I'm guessing half of them went to work on a fence for the livestock and the other half finished off the other food storage. I decided to go help build the fence for the livestock.

"We only need to put the fence around it, and we would be finished." The leader said.

I nodded,"Okay, I can help with that."

We held the wood as the other person nailed it together. Sooner or later we were finished and it was dark.

I started eating again, back in my own room, with the same two girls.

"Tired is an understatement." Harley groaned while laying down.

Monica giggled as she breast fed her baby, "You only help cook though, right?"

My room door unlocked and opened.

Bella glanced at the girls before she looked at me,"I need your help."

I nodded and followed her out the room.

"You have to take that chip out of your body." She started.

I moved my hair,"I already did. Well Jasmine did."

"What did you need my help for?" I continued.

She rolled her eyes,"Apparently I have to need your help in order to spend time with you."

"Spend time with me? We have forever Bella."

By now she was unlocking the room door, going inside with me still following behind.

"Are you cheating on me?" Bella asked which shocked me.

Cheating? When do I have time to cheat? Who could have told her that? She doesn't have any friends that I know of, or does she?

"Why do you think that Im cheating?"

She say on the bed,"Someone told me you use to sleep with one of your friends, they didn't say which one though."

"I never slept with any of my friends, Bella."

Then I thought about it.

"Well maybe one time, if it mean anything-" I was cut off.

She hissed,"Of course it means something if you both slept together, I thought you would tell me something like this, not me hearing it from someone else Sam."


"What?!" She snapped.

"We was high, We didn't know. Malissa and Monica caught us and they jumped on Harley. It wasn't a big deal, we wasn't in a relationship. That was a long time ago, I love you now and only you." I assured her.

She frowned as if she didn't believe me.

"Does She know that we're together?"

Uh oh. I was to afraid to respond to her. She seen the look on my face and shook her head.

"Bella I was going to tell her, I swear. Monica knows it just not Harley." I tried to reason.

She pushed passed me and walked to the shower.

I felt my face getting hot,"Who told you anyway?"

"Does It matter? You didn't." Bella started to take off her clothes.

"It does matter! If it puts a strain or anything on our relationship, it does. There was only one other person at the club that night and it was Malissa." I started.

I continued,"But it just seems strange you believed my ex-wife before you could ask me about it."

"If you would've told me in the beginning we wouldn't be having this conversation." Bella repeated as she stepped into the shower.

I sigh, trying to calm down,"That was in the past Bella, I love you now, I don't look at anyone else as the way I look at you."

No response.

"Im done with the conversation." I told her and walked out the room.

Why would she listen to Malissa? I shook my head, but Im her lover so she says. I opened my room door to see the two women and little girl asleep in the bed. Quietly opening the drawer, I picked out so long stretch pants with a muscle shirt.

My shower lasted longer than normal as I thought about what Bella said, over and over still trying to figure out why would Malissa just tell her that out of thin air?

After putting on my clothes, I walked back to Bella room, kind of hoping to run into Malissa, but I didn't.

The guard let me into Bella room. She was already laying down, I couldn't tell if she was asleep or not, most times she just lay there. I grabbed the throw blanket off the edge of the couch and my pillow off the bed then laid on the couch.

"Get into the bed."

I ignored her.

I hope tomorrow be better than today.

Well at least we found trucks.

One day at a time I guess.


*Im so sorry about the errors you guys! I be so excited to publish and don't have time to go and edit, I try to catch them as I go or if I have to reread something lol. Thank you! ❤️

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