Chapter Eighteen

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I brushed my teeth an washed my face. I put on some jeans and boots with plain grey shirt. Trying to remember what happened last night, I couldn't. But I know everyone had a good time the moment I stepped outside and didn't see to many workers.

Bella appeared in front of me,"You see what happened when people drink? Nothing gets done the next day."

"That's okay, they have been in the bunker seems like forever, everybody needed a break Bella." I reasoned.

She rolled her eyes,"Whenever you guys get it together, call a meeting."

She walked away before I could say anything else. I rounded up everyone working and we all went into the bunker to gather people from the rooms. The first room I stopped was mines.

"Come on guys, get up." I said to Monica and Harley.

Harley jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She vomited into the toilet as Monica walked behind her.

"When you guys finish getting cleaned up, we have a meeting outside in about 10 minutes." I announced then walked back outside. After every guard from every section was outside, I walked back inside to Bella room.

Beating on the door, I waited about 5 minutes before she opened it, with a towel wrapped around her.

"Good thing it was me and not someone else." I mumbled as she let me in.

I sat on the bed and watched as she dropped the towel. 

"Everybody is waiting outside."

I continued to glance at her body,"Did you take the pregnancy test?"

"I thought you would have forgotten." She mumbled under her breath.

I stood up,"What was that Bella?"

"I didn't bite my tongue." She hissed.

"But you did mumbled. Where is this attitude coming from? You know what, I don't care. I'll meet you outside."

When I made it outside, Josiah grabbed my arm and pull me towards him and Harley. That's odd. All of us waited for Bella to show for about 5 minutes until she finally did.

"I have an announcement." She looked around at all of us. Even the people from the village.

She continued,"We have approximately Two weeks before the bunker gives out. By give out I mean shut down. When we built it, it was suppose to only last for so long. But it doesn't matter because we can survive out here. With that being said, Right now, and I do mean right now. We start building to keep our food, we start building to keep or livestock, and we start building so we Can have somewhere to lay our heads. I want two sections working on the building for our food, two sections working on a building for the livestock, and two working on the homes. If you know you don't want to live in anything that might fall apart the next day, build it right! We have two weeks!"

Everyone immediately went to work. My section decided to build the building for the food. About five construction workers laid out the plans on a table and told us what to do and how to do it. Eventually the only thing was heard was yelling, the machines that was cutting the wood, and nailing.

Majority of the people wasn't building anything, the was in the field, chopping it up, getting it ready for planting. When the night arrived, most of our building was done since it was so many of us. Most of the fields were chopped. By the looks of it, they're almost done with about Twenty houses. Considering the fact that the houses only have a one bedroom with a bathroom, it's big enough if you ask me.

Bella called for another meeting.

"We did good today. Even though most of you are hungover from last night. I really appreciate that. It has come to my attention that the houses not keeping up with time, with that being said, we will have one section build the food buildings, half of a section finish building the for the livestock, and the rest of the sections and anyone else available, Im sorry I did not mean available, anyone else who plans to live here with us, we'll help build those houses. It's 250 people per section. Out of 250, 25 people were to a house building them. In 14 days, that will only equal out to 280 houses, which is not enough. Not nearly enough. That's only two sections. And we have six in all. So I want you all to think about that tonight. The ladies have cooked all of you a warm meal. You should go into the bunker to enjoy it. Get some rest, we start bright an early tomorrow." She finished.

Everybody walked into the bunker, going straight for the lunch room. Most people got their food on trays and went to their rooms to eat. That's best anyway because this room only sits a section at a time. It didn't matter once again though, Bella already had guards standing in the door, letting a few in at a time.

Harley and Monica found my arm.

"What's wrong?" I asked the two girls.

Monica smiled,"Are we sleeping in your room again tonight?"

I nodded.

"Then we should get our food an go to your room." Harley said going to pick up her food tray.

We followed behind her until we made it to my room. I sat my tray down and picked out some clothes to shower before I eat.

"I think we did good today, I've never seen houses get built that fast." Monica said while eating.

I shrugged,"We've been training for so long, we should've had more."

I walked to the bathroom and pulled my shirt off. I walked back into the room to get my clothes causing both of the girls to gasp.

"You have a bad Tan." Monica said pointing.

"And you have abs." Harley continued.

I shook my head and pulled the door closed behind me. One of the perks I got for being friend with a worker that does this type of stuff.

When I finished showering, I stepped out and continued to get dressed.

The door opened, Monica came running in,"I tried to hold it until you finished but I had to pee bad."

"Take your time, I'm done." I told her then walked out.

After I put my clothes in the basket, I sat down finally to eat. It was hot chili soup with cornbread with Juice as a side.

"Can we burrow some of your clothes? To shower?" Harley asked me.

I nodded,"If you Can fit it, you probably need a belt. But have at it."

When I finished eating, I put my tray away and stood up,"I'm going to bed now, see you guys tomorrow."

"Okay!" Monica yelled over here shoulder while going threw my clothes.

After walking to Bella door the guard opened the door so I wouldn't have to knock. I pulled off my shoes and laid behind her. She didn't move of say anything. I turned over and wrapped my arm around her then pulled her closer.

Five minutes later, I felt her fingers intertwine with mines as she moved closer to me. I kissed her face and laid back on the pillow. In no time, I was out like a light.


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