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"You are severely injured." The doctor said as he checked on my body. "You have a broken back, broken ribs, and legs."

"So much for fighting against a lower 5." I complained.

"It's already incredible that you beat a lower 5 without the hashira's presence." the doctor said while writing the prescription for my medicine. "Please be obedient and follow the prescribed medicines for your quick recovery."

"Thank you." as the doctor left, I searched for the grandma to borrow some books, pen and paper to properly check if I'm following the timeline.

Sooner of later – Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro will arrive here injured from the battle of the previous lower moon 6, Kyogai in the Tsuzumi Mansion. All of them were badly injured, especially Tanjiro who came from Asakusa Tokyo, battling with Muzan's rats who came after Tanjiro, Yushirou and Tamayo.

"Obā-san?" I asked.

"Yes, may I help you?" she asked from the inside of her room.

"Do you have books, pen and paper? I want to keep entertained while recovering." I said in a shy and low voice.

"Of course, I'll bring it once I have it."

"Oh no, I can wait here. I can't keep asking you especially in your old age." I worriedly said and waited from the outside of her room.

"Thank you, young lady."

As soon as she said that, she gave me two books, a blank book, pen brushes and ink pad. I thanked her and walked towards my room.

I was writing another timeline notes for this universe when I heard a ruckus outside. A guest, at this time? Maybe they were badly injured that's why it took them time to arrive here.

"Sorry to bother you so late at night!" the first voice muttered.

"A Monster! – It's a monster!" a frightful second voice was heard.

"Hey you!" the first voice hushed the second frightful voice.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard a third voice and it sounded manly that the other two.

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