M U I C H I R O (01)

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I was severely injured when Oyakata-sama's wife rescued me. I don't remember anything that has happened prior to that so I remained helpless and useless until I fully recover. I heard for countless of nights, who will take care of me as Oyakata-sama is sick as well and his wife and children of course, will tend to help their father than a very helpless me.

"Oyakata-sama, I will take Tokito-kun! I have a younger sister that can take care of him very well." A woman in soft voice suggested that she will keep me.

That was the first. Ever since I arrived in Oyakata-sama's place, I think and I feel that I never belonged to that place. I think, going to that woman's place will be much better and that place will be a bit have an welcome atmosphere.

"Tokito-kun, I'm Kanroji Mitsuri. You'll be staying in my residence for a while, and once you recover you can leave my place if you want."

A young woman with fair skin and round, pale green eyes with long eyelashes, a small beauty mark beneath each of them. She has long, light pink hair that fades into a lime green color at the halfway point, which she wears in three thick braids. She has five shorter, choppy clumps hanging over her face as voluminous bangs, the tips lime green as well.

I couldn't answer so I just nodded it off.

When we arrived in her residence, I met a young woman around my age as well. She was a girl of a slender build, much like her older sister, who was rather tall enough for her age and had notably pink lips in contrast to her pale complexion. She had long, straight, black hair that reached just below her waist, worn down with two shorter clumps over her shoulders, and arched, ear-length bangs on either side of her face. Another notable thing is that she uses flower clips on her hair. Her eyes were a pale-green like Kanroji Mitsuri-san and slanted towards the sides of her face, bright and bug-like, with many notable white sparkles reflecting light off of them.

"This is my younger sister, Kanroji Miyu. She's the same age as you so you don't need to feel awkward to tell her everything."

Kanroji Mitsuri smiled and assured me about her sister. At first, I was confused because when I looked at her younger sister, Kanroji Miyu she seemed cold and distant. Don't think about it anymore.

She was cold. She doesn't smile whether in front of her sister nor in front of me. But she does her duties well of taking care of me. She cooks well. Lets me rest for more than 5 hours. She gives me my medicine in a right time and remains her distance to me like a patient and doctor.

We never exchanged conversations before, but one day – she changed. She fell sick, and couldn't take care of me for a month. She was suffering for high fever and I remember Mitsuri-san crying every night. She apologized for not taking care of Miyu-san, not asking if her sister was okay and taking all the burden silently.

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