M U I C H I R O (02)

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Author's Note:

hello!! this chapter is like a filler of the Kimetsu no Yaiba, Episode 22. The first half of the chapter will be focused there where Tanjiro was held in a trial for nezuko. The second half will be his thoughts during Miyu's recovery. you can skip the first half, but still I would like you to read this as a whole!!


As I was walking around my own home, getting started to train I saw Rengoku-san getting ready to leave. I don't know if I was supposed to greet him or just ignore him.

I bet he's just going to his territory to supervise sudden demon attacks. It's our typical routine that even though we are tasked to protect our own respective territories, we are also to find clues of Kibutsuji Muzan's whereabouts.

"Goodmorning, Tokito!!"

With a loud voice, Rengoku-san greeted. I nodded in reply and walked past through him. I never had any intentions getting closer with him, but I also don't mind him being close to me.

"Kyojuro, *cawkkkk* Kanroji Miyu is on her way to your territory according to your guidance."

I stopped walking when I heard Rengoku-san's crow spoke of the name I'm trying to bury inside my heart for years. It was the name of the first woman I'll hate forever at the same time, I long for her.

So, she really became a demon slayer. I knew about her going to the exam and her passing it. I also heard of her first mission. I tried to find her but she was never spoken of until this day. It has been 2 years when I heard her name.

How is she? Is she still in a good condition? What rank is she right now? Is there any information that I can get and I can know of?

As I wanted to ask all those questions, I kept my mouth shut. I noticed that Rengoku-san eyed on me but still remained his attention to his crow.

"Very well, I will meet her tomorrow morning." He said. His crow flew away but I didn't hear him took a step further from where he was. "Tokito."

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"You can ask me if you're curious about her." He said.

"I know nothing of what you are talking about. I'm not curious about Miyu-san." I said the name. It was the word I'm trying to avoid for the past 2 years.

"I never even said her name." He answered back in a stern voice.

I looked back and I saw him looking at me, intently.

"Whatever you say."

I walked away as I left those words.


After a few days, there was a sudden commotion. Rengoku-san and a person who I was not expecting defeated the lower moon two. I guess, within the span of two years, I did not expect that she'll be that great to actually defeat a lower demon.

As a Hashira myself, killing those demons who belong in lower hierarchy is nothing but easy. But I guess for her, it's already a big achievement. To believably do it is something worth giving a reward.

Right now, we are asked to gather in Oyakata-sama's place, the headquarters filled with wisteria flower and we are here to judge someone who is bringing a demon

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