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In thirty minutes, the sun will begin to rise.

The lower moon two is now having trouble of regenerating himself, while I'm having trouble of continuing to fight. For hours, we fought and he even called other demons to help him which reached me to a state that I already hit my limit.

"Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!"

I just to hold on for couple of minutes before Tama calls for Rengoku. I told Tama to approach my area only when I call her or when something happened in the village, but since I didn't let any of the demons run passed me, no one got hurt.

I attacked him again and again, until I could feel that my legs won't even take a single step anymore. I could also feel that my hands won't grasp on the my blade tight any longer but I have to keep alive in order to follow certain story.

"You've been attacking me again and again. How about finishing me?" he asked. When he suddenly recovered.

"Oh don't test me. I'm keeping you alive because your fate doesn't lie in my hands."

I don't have any plans on killing him, but if he kept on testing my patience, I won't be able to stop myself from finishing him. I don't even care anymore if the story changes because it's already done.

"You'll never scare me. You're not a hashira!"

"First Form: Unknowing Fire!"

I charged towards this lower moon two at high speed and cuts his limbs in one slash making sure that he won't regenerate in span of seconds.


"Tenth Form: Rouge Burning Strike!"

I generated enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash and then unleashes a powerful series of sword slashes that takes the form of a rampaging tiger engulfed in flames that charges towards the enemy at blinding speeds.

I decapitated him but he was able to solidify his blood. I've got no more stamina to defeat him.

"Son of a b—TAMA!!"

This is Rengoku-san's chance to finish off the demon. I bought a lot of time, and of course he will be able to finish this demon in a single strike.

I could feel my vision blacking out but the demon was already slowly running away.

"Hey! Come back here!!" I shouted.

But before even I could utter another word, I already lost my strength.


I slowly opened my eyes when sunlight shined upon me. I could feel my head breaking into half as I try to fully open my eyes and look into different directions. —It looked like a hospital because of the white curtains, but not the usual hospital room that's room is painted white from ceiling to walls.

"Urgghh—" I groaned.

I lifted up my arms to see if they're intact to my body, but it's full of bondages. Did Rengoku-san defeat the lower moon two? Either way, I'm glad that I'm still alive and breathing.

"How long did I passed out?" I asked to myself.

"Ahh! She's awake!!"

I glanced where those voices came from and I saw three young girls showed themselves. I think they're Kiyo, Naho and Sumi. The girls who helped Aoi and Shinobu in managing the butterfly mansion.

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