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"After a very tiring mission, a bath is always the answer."

I whispered as I rub the towel on my hair drying it. I walked towards my room and wore my uniform's skirt and my white long-sleeved collared shirt, basically saying my uniform.

I brushed my hair in front of my mirror and I noticed changes. My bangs and my hair got longer, my chest, I mean, Miyu's chest got hmmmm bigger??? I also got taller. I grabbed my hair as I noticed purple strands at the very bottom of my hair.

"What? My hair got purple streaks??? It was plain black before like onee-chan." I may not be her sister but I definitely know. Maybe she knows about this, because her hair turned pink and green after eating lots and lots of mochi. "ONEE-CHAAAAAAN!!"

I ran out from my room and headed towards in her room where I found her bawling her eyes out. Did she got dumped?

"Why're you crying??" I asked.

"I don't know what to give for Iguro-kun this coming valentine's. Waaaaaaahhhh~"

Oh yeah, valentine's coming. I don't even know what to give for Muichiro-kun. Well onee-chan is currently hopeless right now. What do people give to their partners in this era? Right now, I really want to smack my butt for not listening to history classes.

"Alright, alright. I'll help you." nonchalantly I said.

"Reallyyyy???!" Her eyes beamed with sparkles.

"Y-Yeah." I answered.


"So... why am I included here?" Shinobu-nee chan asked in her usually tone of her voice.

"I want to ask that as well." Aoi asked.

Kanao remained quiet.

"Well, I wanted to ask help." Mitsuri started. She looked down and was turning teary eyed again. I heaved out a sigh and ruffled my hair. "I ... waaaanteeeedd shuu giwwwve shomethinggg weallyyy nicweee fwooo Igurooo-kuvvv bushhh I downttt knowww whasshhh shuu giwwwve." And there she goes.

"I'm sorry." Shinobu raised her hand looking at me really really clueless. "Can you please explain me?"

"Erm, she wanted to give something nice for Iguro-san, but she doesn't know what to give." I translated her words which I am surprised to know them. Siblings instinct I guess. I shook my head and heaved a sigh again.

"But she's going really great these past few years." Aoi started. She raised her hands and started to count. "Four years ago, she gave him Sakura and Macha mochi. Three years ago, she gave him snake shaped sugar cookies."

"Whoa." I have no comment for her.

"Two years ago, she gave him heart shaped chocolates. Last year she gave him a hand-sewed haori with initials at the bottom." Aoi said staring at my hopeless sister.

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