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"Alright, there we go."

I said as I finished packing everything that I need to once I infiltrate one of the houses in the Yoshiwara District.

"Make-up, kimono, hairpiece and even some accessories."

I whispered as I checked it off my list. It is still early and I still have few hours left before Rengoku picks me up and go to the mission.

I wrote a note saying that I went to butterfly mansion before leaving my place. It is still bright and I can't believe that I'm going to one of the deadliest mission once again. First was the mugen train and actually, I really don't know if I'm still going to be lucky in all these situations I'm putting myself into.

While walking, I saw Tomioka Giyuu leaving the butterfly mansion. I walked faster and when I was about to greet him, he faced towards me, making me bumped unto his chest.

"Kanroji?" Giyuu called me which made me look up at him.

"Hey, you got yourself checked-up? Why? Got hurt during your mission?" I asked as soon as he called me.

Tomioka Giyuu is a fairly tall young man of a lean muscular stature and pale complexion, who is almost always seen wearing a serious and emotionless expression. He has unruly black hair of uneven lengths that sticks up in tufts around his head, which he wears tied back in a low messy ponytail at the base of his neck. His bangs fall over his eyes in an uneven fringe. His eyes are sharp and moderately large, their irises a deep sapphire that fades to a lighter blue and their pupils a bluish-black, and are framed by thin eyebrows.

In short, a handsome man.

Not as handsome as Tokito Muichiro, dzuh.

"I've heard rumors of you being so talkative, but I never knew that it was this bad." He said while looking deep into my eyes.

I looked at his eyes and the perfect description is somehow simular to midnight type of sky.

"Really? I could say that I'm pretty normal." I said as I put my arms on my chest. "Ahh—can you just answer my question?"

"I cut myself while trying to cook." He looked down on his hand full of bandages.

"What food?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Simmered salmon with daikon." Giyuu answers once again which made me smile a bit. I know how to cook that and I can even write a recipe sheet to him. "Why are you smiling?"

"Are you in a hurry?" I asked him again.

Giyuu shakes his head.

"I have some business with Shinobu-neechan but if you wait for me, I'll cook for you."

I'm not expecting him to wait for me or even expect him to let me cook for him, but initially he was my first crush when I first read this book. I mean, who didn't even liked his guy? He's handsome yes, but nothing could change my love for Muichiro.

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