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"Don't you dare touch her."

Muichiro-kun and Giyuu-san are staring at each other. Giyuu's hand is on my shoulder, while Muichiro-kun is holding Giyuu's wrist stopping further contact to me. I suddenly got worried and broke off the tension.

"Muichiro-kun, Giyuu-san is only helping me stand up. Nothing more." I said as I separated them and grabbed Muichiro-kun's hand. I both put their hands down and smiled awkwardly. "C'mon, don't be like that."

"Is something going on between you two?" Giyuu asked. I looked away and fixed my hair. Or maybe, I avoided the question. Muichiro might answer that question- or not. But he did not so I heaved a deep sigh before answering.

"I took care of Muichiro-kun a little while back before he was a hashira. He stayed in onee-chan's residence for a while." I answered. "We kind off formed a connection between us which is why we look like something is going on between us." I added.

"I see." Giyuu answered and looked at Muichiro with a boring look. Muichiro gave him the same look but a fiercer one. "I would like to help you too, Miyu-san."


"What?" I asked.

"I would like to help you. Whenever Tokito-kun is busy and I'm not, I'll be the one in-charge of you. Then, he'll you when I'm not around." He answered.

"I never knew that you're a talkative one." I said and smiled. "I guess, I don't mind you both helping me, how about you Muichiro-kun?" I asked him. Of course, I should still seek approval of his opinion.

"I guess, since we're helping Rengoku-san keep an eye on you. He's your original master anyways, and since he can't keep an eye on you, we're helping him and you." He answered in a disinterested way.

Oh, so he was helping me because of Rengoku-san. And not because he wanted to. Not because he wanted to be with me. Not because he wants to be closer to me. He was helping for Rengoku-san's sake.

"I see," I answered. I don't know. I felt disappointed with it. I thought that Muichiro-kun was helping me because he wanted to spend time with me. I guess, it was all me after all. "I appreciate it. Really." I smiled.


"What the hell was that?!" I shouted as I threw my pillow on my futon bed. I couldn't contain my disappointment. I can't believe that I even thought that it'll be another chance for the both of us!

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