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I slowly opened my eyes, and I could feel an overwhelming comfort. As I stare at the ceiling, I carefully look at the person who was holding my hand firmly.

My heart softened when I noticed that it was Muichiro. I slowly lifted my arm and ruffled his hair. He moaned a bit before shifting his face in another direction. I continued ruffling his hair when he held it and sleepily lifted himself.

"Good morning." I weakly greeted him.

I stared at his minty orbs as tears slowly rolled down his face. I wiped it and cupped his face, comforting this guy.

"M-Miyu..." I could feel his mouth tremble. I smiled.

"Hey, can you please call Shinobu-san?" I asked sweetly.

"Y-yes. W-wait here, okay?" He stood up and kissed my forehead before leaving.

When he left, I could feel my heart beating so fast. Did he really wait for me to wake up? How long was I even past asleep? How is Rengoku? How about the others?

I feel so bad for suddenly passing out when all of it was not yet resolved.

I slowly pulled myself up to sit properly. I looked to see where my favorite flowers were in a vase, with some water and even a small snack. I carefully reached for the water and drank it. Is this the butterfly mansion?

A little while later, everyone entered the room. And when I said everyone, it meant everyone. I smiled at them. Oneechan ran towards me and hugged me really tight, and I did the same.

I missed her so much.

"Oh Miyu, I'm so worried about you!" She said, crying. Is this deja vu? It feels like this has happened before. I smiled and ruffled her hands. "Miyu, you're not supposed to give me that kind of response."

"What do you want me to say?" I asked her. "I'm home, Oneechan."

"Welcome home!" She said.

Shinobu, Giyuu, Rengoku, Obanai, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and the three butterfly kids entered. Muichiro is there as well. Whoa, I feel like my family is getting bigger.

"It's good to see you awake, Miyu!" Rengoku greeted me as he walked closer towards me.

Seeing him like this, alive and well after that mission—I couldn't help but cry. I succeeded in protecting Rengoku. I'm so happy that the wound that was with me for years was healed instantly when I saw and heard him.

"Rengoku-san made Miyu-san cry," Zenitsu commented.

"E-EH?! I-I didn't!" Rengoku defended himself and started patting my back, which made me bawl my eyes more.

"Rengoku-san, it's not good for the patient who just woke up to cry." Shinobu's voice was heard. "How are you feeling right now?" She asked me.

"I don't know, actually. I feel okay now, but somehow I feel like I just woke up from a long sleep." I answered honestly. I feel weak, but somehow I am well rested.

"You slept for a month after the mission. Oh, boys, can you please leave us girls for a moment?" She said nicely, eyeing Rengoku to lead the guys out.

I glanced at Muichiro, and I saw him give me a faint smile. I smiled at him as well as all the boys who exited the room.

"Now that we have privacy, we'll have more intimate discussions," Shinobu said. She grabbed a chair for her, while Oneechan and the butterfly triplets sat on the bed next to me. "The wounds that you got during the last fight were so deep that they'll scar your body completely when healed."

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