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As I opened my eyes, I did not see Muichiro by my side. He must've left my room when everyone was sleeping, or maybe as soon as I was sleeping already. I'll just ask him later.

I stretched my body, and it is real that the body aches that I was feeling yesterday are all gone, and I'm good as a newborn baby to train and to start doing missions once again.

I walked out of my room and went to the lavatory to wash my face and brush my teeth before tying my hair. When I looked clean enough for the morning, I went to the dining area where Sae-chan was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning!" I greeted her.

"Good morning, Miyu-sama!" She greeted me with a very perky voice.

Sae immediately served me with ramen and some side dishes like pickled radish and even rolled eggs. I thanked her as she went outside the dining area while I was left alone to eat.

"Sae?" I called out to her, and she peeked through the wall, carrying a basket of laundry. I furrowed my eyebrows and gestured for her to come eat with me. "Let's have breakfast together."

"Thank you, but I already ate. Please enjoy!"

Before I could even answer, Sae had already left. I stared at the space for a good few minutes before putting my hands together.

"Thank you for the food."


After eating, I took a shower just to make sure to start the day right. I wore my uniform and went out with my blade hidden behind my haori.

The mansions are just near each other of other hashiras, so in case sparring or even having dinner like what Onee-chan does happens, they won't have a problem walking the distance.

I reached the Butterfly Mansion, where Shinobu is supposed to be. I want her to check me up so that I can start going on some missions once again. When I entered the residence, the three main characters were not around.

"Miyu! Miyu! Miyu!"

I looked up when I saw Tama flying from the direction of Oyakata-sama's mansion towards me. Tama landed on my shoulder when I offered.

"Hi Tama. It's been a while," I said as I played with my crow.

"Go to Oyakata-sama's residence after your check-up! Go to Oyakata-sama's residence after your check-up!"

I looked at Tama confusingly. Did Oyakata-sama need something from me so soon? I just went there a few days ago, and now he's summoning me. Even if the whole situation was confusing me, I nodded.

"Alright, please tell them that I'll be right there as soon as I finish."

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