Chapter 11

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A short time later, I finally managed to stop crying. I pulled myself out from Callies arms and grabbed a few tissues from next to me, and wiped my eyes and face.

"Are you okay?" Callie asked 

"Yeah, I'm so sorry for all that and ruining the date," 

"dont be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for, and you didn't ruin anything. It's still the best date I've been on," she smiled, taking my hand into hers. I lifted my head, and our eyes locked. Everything around us disappeared. All the hurt and pain I was feeling seemed to subside so quickly. All I could feel was the electricity going up my arm from where her hand was touching mine. My mind was taken over by Callie and those beautiful brown eyes staring back at me. I don't know what came over me, but I could feel myself leaning towards her, my heart pounding, I see she started to lean towards me, and then without warning, Callie's phone rang again. She pulled away and picked her phone from her pocket, a slight frown forming on her face.  She declined the call before typing something and putting her phone back in her pocket. 

"Sorry about that." 

"Do you have to go?" I asked

"Not at all," she smiled. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, would you like a drink?" 

"That would be nice." I got up and headed into the kitchen. I made our drinks and headed back into the living room, placing them on the table. 

"So did you really mean it when you said you can't do this?" Callie asked, sadness evident in her tone. 

"Yes and no."  

"The truth is, I'm not fully over her, and as you can see, it still hurts and affects me. That's why I would go out and get drunk etc it was my way of coping. But since I met you, I don't want to go out and get drunk. I don't want to pick up random women. All I want to do is speak to you, spent time with you. I know I'm not over her yet, but you're making it a lot easier. If I wasn't with you tonight, I would be out getting pissed and taking some random women back to theirs. I understand that this is going to put you off, and I'd understand if you don't want this. Believe me, I do, but" Before I could finish, she put her finger on my lips, making me shut up. She then pulled my hand into hers like before.

"That thing is a horrible person, I don't have any words that describe how much I hate her for what she did to you. I understand that you aren't over her. I've been there, but I'm willing to wait and go at your pace because I think you are amazing, and I'd be a fool to let you go. " I couldn't help but smile. This woman is something else. I know I'm not over Carina, but Callie is the person I want to move on to, and Im 100% sure of that. Our eyes locked once again, and I wasn't going to risk anything stopping me. I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers. I waited for a couple of seconds but she didn't kiss me back. My heart sank, and I pulled away.

"I'm sorry," I sighed, looking at my hands.

"It's okay, I was just taken by surprise and don't want you regretting it,"

"I won't, I've wanted to kiss you for the past 2 weeks." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes again. 

"Hey," she says, lifting my head up, so we lock eyes again. This time, she leaned forward and connected our lips. Without hesitation, I kissed back our lips, working in perfect harmony. My whole body was on fire, the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I remember the first time we kissed, and I thought it was amazing, but this time, it was on a whole other level. Her lips were so soft and taste delicious. I could never get bored of kissing Callie. 

"Wow," She says, placing her forehead against mine.

"Wow indeed," I smiled. I leaned back in reconnecting out lips. The rest of the night considered of us kissing and cuddling with the tv on. It was the best night I've had in a while.

A few weeks later....

The last 4 weeks have been incredible.  We've decided that we are dating and I couldn't be happier. We talk every day and she comes here every weekend. She's stayed over a couple of times, but we haven't slept together yet, and I don't mind one bit. To be honest, it was my idea to hold fire first, and Callie, being the gentlewomen she is, is completely fine with it. Just waking up to her laying next to me is a dream in itself. She's coming over this weekend again, and I can't wait, I can feel myself falling for her, and at first, I was scared because of what happened but not so much anymore. I know Callie won't hurt me, and I trust her.  When I think about it all, it still hurts a lot, but I don't cry anymore, and that's an accomplishment in itself. 

"So you seeing Callie tonight?" Lexi asks as we open up the café.

"yeah she's coming over about half 6" I grinned unable to stop the butterflies fluttering in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again, I hate that I can only see her the weekends but we both busy during the week. 

"I'm glad you seem so much happier these past few weeks." Lexi smiles.

"I really am. She makes me happy and makes me feel things I haven't felt before," I beamed.

"Good because I'm slowly seeing the old Arizona again."

"I'm started to feel like the old me again," 

That is genuinely the truth. After Carina left me, she took a part of me, and I never thought I'd get it back. Everything disappeared, everything I wanted I didn't want anymore. I was lost and numb. I felt like I was stuck in a black hole with no way of getting out. However, since I met Callie. I'm starting to feel me again, I'm starting to want the things I wanted before and more. I can finally see the light.


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