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'love is a fire, but whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell'

'love is a fire, but whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell'

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AURELIE THOMPSON; that's pronounced Ora-ly, like lying, not ora-lee. Though that should be fairly obvious, many people still get the two mixed up. Although, Aurelie didn't mind it all that much. In fact, she thought Ora-Lee to be a prettier pronunciation. Her mother, who had chosen the name at birth, did not quite agree with it, though, so Aurelie made sure to correct anyone who didn't say it correctly.

Aurelie lived in a beautiful house made of stone on top of a hill. It was built and designed by her parents just before she was born. Aurelie loved the house. Not for its polished floors, not for its size (which wouldn't matter anyway since it wasn't a grand home), but for its garden.

Aurelie absolutely loved to garden. She knew the name of almost every flower that could possibly grow in all of Canada. Her mother, Alice, owned a successful flower shop in town. Aurelie loved to attend work with Alice on days where she wasn't at home learning.

Her father, Arthur, a well-known author in Avonlea, taught Aurelie from home. He was an educated man. His success in writing definitely brought wealth to the family, added to Alice's shop. However, the Thompson's didn't bother flaunting their wealth.

It was a beautiful day. It was not sunny, nor warm. In fact, it was a little chilly. Though, it was a beautiful day for gardening. The rain from the previous day had watered all of the flowers. Aurelie loved to watch the little drops of water slowly slide down the petals.

Aurelie would lay on the grass for hours, no matter how wet her dress was afterwards. Today was no different. She lay on the wet grass while her mother planted new flowers for her shop.

"This habit of yours is a lot of work for me, Aurelie. Washing out those grass stains from your dresses every time is getting tiring." Spoke Alice. Aurelie grinned, then sat up.

"Maybe it's best to have a little more hard work in life, hmm?" Prattled Aurelie. Her mother scoffed, shaking her head slowly while she smiled to herself.  "Put your own advice to good use. Lying down on grass and watching water slowly slip off of the flowers is far from hard work, don't you think?" Alice raised her eyebrows. Aurelie didn't respond. 

"Go inside and help your father make dinner." Alice requested.

"Father's making dinner?" Aurelie grimaced. 

"Now, you know he's trying his very best. I've got him to follow Martha Carlson's new cooking book. That woman has amazing recipes." Alice pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail, and placed her hat on top of her head. "Now, off you go."

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