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'every once in a while, people need to be in the presence of things that are really far away'

'every once in a while, people need to be in the presence of things that are really far away'

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After the disastrous wedding, Mr. Phillips never showed his face in Avonlea ever again. Due to that, everyone took to searching for a new teacher.

The first morning back at school, Aurelie and Moody spoke about rumours they had heard about the new teacher, who would be a woman this time outside of the school.

 "I think it's lovely to have a woman as our teacher now. Finally, some refreshment after Mr. Phillips." Aurelie stated.

"My mother was talking to Mrs. Pye and she said that the PMSC felt that Miss Stacy is probably unsuitable." Mentioned Moody. 

"I've learned over my years to ignore comments from the Pye family." Mumbled Aurelie.

"Miss Stacy seems modern and thrilling." Aurelie and Moody heard Anne marvel as they entered the school.

 "I heard she's a spinster." Commented Tillie. 

"I heard she's from the mainland." Added Ruby enthusiastically.

"Why would an unmarried woman from the big city come here?" Questioned Josie. "There's a scandal somewhere, you'll see." She speculated as she made her way to her desk. Aurelie rolled her eyes, removing her coat.

"Mother hated Miss Stacy on sight." Josie made sure to include.

 "So did mine." Mentioned Prissy. "Here's a recipe for disaster: show up an hour late..."

"Dressed like a man..." Jane cut in with a chuckle. 

"To tea with the Progressive Mothers." Concluded Prissy. "She may as well have hung a noose around her neck."

"Must you be so vulgar?" Wondered Aurelie as she passed by the girl, taking her usual seat just in front of her. Prissy shrugged.

 "Don't disparage her when you don't even know her." Anne spoke up. "I think she sounds spectacular." She beamed. "I'm going to help pave the way for Miss Stacy. I know just how it is to be new and judged harshly." Anne took her seat with Diana.

"That fox is gonna be dead meat." Announced Billy to Moody as he carried a large hunting gun on his back. Aurelie spun around in curiosity, listening in. "I think I'll make it into a hat." Billy added.

"Fox? What fox?" Anne questioned with a worried expression, causing the class to take notice of the situation.

 "The one with the dark tail that's been stealing chickens." Moody explained. 

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