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'it's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone'

'it's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone'

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"Gilbert must be late to school this morning. The everlasting snowfall is probably making it difficult for him to arrive." Aurelie commented as she looked at Moody. He nodded slowly.

"I mean— how did winter come so fast already?" She rambled. "You know— I hate the winter. I absolutely despise it. There are no flowers." She sighed. 

"Yeah." Moody agreed.

"You know, I find that certain people remind me of certain flowers. For example, I've always seen Ruby Gillis as a Daisy...or a poppy." Aurelie looked off to the group of girls who stood by the window.

"And that Josie Pye...a rose. Beautiful on the outside, but she has thorns on the inside." Aurelie chuckled to herself. "Gilbert Blythe... a petunia. Did you know those represent resentment?" Aurelie looked back at Moody. He didn't seem to be paying much attention.

"Are you even listening?" She sighed. 

"What?" Moody looked towards her. Aurelie exhaled, leaning back against the wall. "I will admit.. Petunias do look lovely, though. It's a shame their reputation is so awful." Aurelie mumbled to herself.

"What flower do I remind you of?" Moody wondered. 

"You're a Water Lily." Aurelie stated confidently. Moody grinned. "And do you remind yourself of a flower?" He inquired.

"I'd have to say...an Iris. It has the most beautiful name, don't you think? Oh, how I would love to be called Iris." Aurelie marveled at the thought. 

"If you like, I can call you that." Offered Moody.

Aurelie smiled. "While I'd be very thankful, my mother would not approve of the idea. She takes pride in my name. If only Gilbert Blythe would not stop pronouncing it incorrectly." She scoffed.

"You seem to think about Gilbert quite a lot." Mumbled Moody.

Since their spelling rematch, Aurelie was unsure of how to speak to Gilbert. She chose instead to avoid  him, as the plan always was. It was better off that way. She had Moody, and that's all she needed.

Once Mr. Phillips arrived, everyone took their seats. Aurelie noticed that Gilbert still wasn't in his seat, which confused her.

Suddenly, the class went silent as Mr. Phillips stood by Anne and Diana. "You are not to fraternize, or exert undue influence." He stated. "Ruby, switch places with Anne." The class reacted in gasps and whispers.

By lunch time, it was Aurelie's job to clean the blackboard erasers. She stood by the window, hitting them together. The cold winter air blew out against her dress.

"Aurelie." Mr. Phillips snapped his fingers aggressively. She slowly spun around and stared at the man, who had his feet up on the desk. "Take these lessons to Gilbert Blythe." He ordered. "He'll be missing class for a time, and I don't want him falling too far behind. He's my best student."

Aurelie furrowed her eyebrows. She did not reach for the books that the man held out to her. "Why is he missing class?" She wondered. 

"That is none of your concern." Replied the man. "Now, hurry along. Scat!"

Aurelie reached for the books, sighing as she made her way out.

The way through the forest was difficult as the snow was coming down hard. Her jacket was hardly enough to keep her warm for the amount of time it took to reach the Blythe residence, and she had also forgotten a hat earlier that morning.

She marched through the snow, her shoes, that were certainly not equipped for this journey, soaked up everything that they melted.

When she reached the front door, she knocked loudly. "Gilbert!" She called. She peered through the window of the door. "Gilbert Blythe!" Another knock. She sighed in frustration.

She knocked once more, even louder now. Suddenly, the door opened. "Finally." She whined, though she was silenced when she noticed that an older man, clearly in worrisome condition opened the door.

He wore a nightgown and appeared sick. "I'm sorry—" she quickly apologized. The man panted. "Sorry to make you wait." He spoke. Aurelie was unsure of what to say. "Gilbert...is out back chopping wood." The man informed, out of breath.

"You seem awfully familiar." He pointed out. "You're Alice Thompson's child is that correct?" He wondered. 

"Yes." Said Aurelie silently. She nodded. 

"She's a wonderful botanist. Most of the flowers I receive are from her shop." The man smiled.

"I'm sure she'd be happy to hear." Aurelie smiled kindly.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Gilbert's voice sounded from behind them. Aurelie's heart must've stopped. She stared ahead and avoided Gilbert's stare.

"You shouldn't be walking." Gilbert scolded, approaching his father.

 "My son worries too much." The man chuckled at Aurelie. "It seems this young lady has urgent business with you. I'll go inside now." He placed his hand on Gilbert's shoulder.

Gilbert glanced at Aurelie, then back to his father. "I'll fetch you a chair." Gilbert offered the man. 

"No, I-I-I'll go on my own." Stammered Mr. Blythe, softly patting the boy. "Thank you, son." He smiled. He turned to Aurelie. "It was nice to meet you. Give my kind regards to Alice." He requested.

"I will. Of course, Mr. Blythe." Aurelie assured. Gilbert made sure that his father entered safely, before turning to Aurelie. He eyed the books in her hands, which were red from also having forgotten gloves.

"Those for me?" He inquired. Aurelie looked down at them. "Yeah." She held them out to him. Gilbert noticed the redness in her fingers. "Surprised you haven't gotten frostbite." He commented. 

Aurelie pursed her lips, looking off to the side. "I don't like winter.." She mentioned with a nervous chuckle. Gilbert took the books with a smile.

"Well, uh...it's kind of you to bring them by." He nodded towards her questionably. "Mr. Phillips doesn't want you falling behind." Aurelie explained.

 "I don't either." Gilbert chuckled. "If you're gonna beat me in class, I want you to do it fair and square." He beamed.

Aurelie sighed. "Yes. Precisely... if you know how to spell that now." She cocked an eyebrow. He nodded slowly. A silence fell once more. "Um...thank you." He looked back down at her hands. "If you like, you can come inside to warm up a bit." He offered.

Aurelie turned her head to the side for a moment, staring at the falling snow. She looked back at Gilbert. "No, thank you. I...I really should be going now. Thank you, though."

 He nodded. "I'll see you."

Without responding, Aurelie spun around, making her way back.

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