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'distance was a dangerous thing, she knew. distance changed people'

The play went beautifully, despite a few minor set backs due to Billy getting hit over the head with a prop, which Aurelie did find quite funny at the time

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The play went beautifully, despite a few minor set backs due to Billy getting hit over the head with a prop, which Aurelie did find quite funny at the time. What wasn't so funny was his constant whining. However, Aurelie had the chance to escape that.

When she heard that her mother was working Josephine Barry's party as the florist and wanted her daughter's help, she was beyond ecstatic. Aurelie and Alice spent their entire week at that beautiful mansion, which Aurelie always compared to a palace, decorating. The theme was spring, which Aurelie very much admired.

It only made her happier when, of course, she and her mother were invited to attend and celebrate this coming of spring with Josephine. However, Aurelie had the chance to bring with her a guest, as did her mother.

"Aurelie, why don't you go to the Blythe farm and offer the invitations to Gilbert and Bash?" Alice suggested as she planted a few of the seeds which Gilbert had gifted Aurelie for Christmas in the greenhouse. Aurelie stared down at the envelopes in her hands with a sigh.

"Right now?" She turned to the woman. 

"Well, the party is tomorrow evening and we must see to it that we arrive at Josephine's home tonight to make final adjustments..." Urged Alice. Aurelie groaned, hopping off of the counter that she was sitting on.

"I'll be back in an hour." She wrapped her coat around her arms.

 "Thank you, Aura!" Called out the woman as Aurelie stepped out of the house and began her journey to the Blythe farm, which was about a twenty five minute walk through the forest.

Once she arrived, she stood in front of the door for about five minutes, practicing in her head how she would invite them. She didn't want Gilbert to assume she was asking him to be her date. That was certainly not her intention. Not ever in a lifetime. She figured if she were to first offer the envelope to Sebastian, maybe giving it to Gilbert after would not be so difficult.

Her plan was unsuccessful, as the only one who opened the door after having heard her knock, was Gilbert. "Aura." He smiled. 

"Gilbert." She clenched her jaw.

"I was--"

"What are--"

This was usually how their conversations began. It was inevitable at that point. They chuckled. Gilbert nodded for Aurelie to begin. "So, uh...I was...wondering if--if you'd like-- would like to--because I can bring a date--no--I was given..." Aurelie trailed off, becoming distracted by Gilbert's confused expression. She noticed his faint smirk.

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