[03] R-I-V-E-T-I-N-G

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'where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell'

 I miss you like hell'

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"Spell 'amorous.'"

"Amorous. A-M-O-R....U-."

Mr. Phillips groaned. "Wrong. Sit down." 

Tillie returned to her seat. Aurelie, who still stood up with the ones who weren't out of the spelling bee looked to Moody. 

"I'm gonna win." He whispered. 

"In your dreams." She grinned slightly.

In the past month or so, the two had grown close enough for Aurelie to feel more comfortable around him. She was getting used to the idea of having friends.

"Spell 'gorgeous.'" Mr Phillips looked to Moody. Aurelie smirked.


"Ugh! Sit down, butcher of beauty." Mr. Phillips insulted. Aurelie continued to smirk at Moody, who shook his head slowly.

Now, only Aurelie, Anne, and Gilbert were left standing. Aurelie stood in between Anne and Gilbert. "Ostracize?" Mr. Phillips glared at her.

"O-S-T-R-A-C-I-Z-E." Aurelie spelled out confidently. 

"That would seem to be correct." Mr. Phillips sighed. The class cheered.

"Haughty." He looked to Gilbert. 


"Oh, Gilbert, make sure to—" Anne interrupted, though she found herself being interrupted as well. 

"Anne Shirley Cuthbert, you do not speak during someone else's turn. Sit down." Mr. Phillips ordered.


"I don't want to hear it. Sit down." He repeated. Anne groaned, taking her seat, now only leaving Aurelie and Gilbert. The tension rose.

"New word, Mr. Blythe. Callous." Mr. Phillips continued. Gilbert sighed. "C-A-L-L-O-U-S." He stated. Aurelie glanced at him, then quickly looked away. However, when Gilbert turned to her, his eyes stayed there for a moment longer.


Aurelie paused for a moment. She looked back at Gilbert. His confident stance motivated her. "P-E-N-I-T-E-N-T."

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