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'he had been violently confused by her real presence in the opposite inaccessible corner'

The only solution the Progressive Mothers had come up with in terms of teaching, was merging the young kids with the older ones

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The only solution the Progressive Mothers had come up with in terms of teaching, was merging the young kids with the older ones. This certainly proved difficult for the older students, due to the lack of space and focus.

During lunch, Aurelie and Moody sat in their usual spot. Usually, Aurelie, would ramble on about something on her mind while Moody listened blindly. However, that lunch was Moody's time to shine. That was the first time Aurelie hadn't much to say, as she was too busy thinking of her last conversation with Gilbert.

"It's all my fault." Moody sighed. "If I wouldn't have dropped that light bulb, then Miss Stacy wouldn't have made a bad impression on the mothers, and then the fight with Cole and Billy wouldn't have been as bad." He worried.


"No! You don't understand, Aura. You are not painfully stupid to the point where--"

"Moody Spurgeon, if you would kindly listen to me." Aurelie interrupted. Moody sighed, looking to the girl. "If you want to bring her back, I heard Anne, Ruby, and Diana talking about it earlier. They must be in the ba--" Before Aurelie could finish her sentence, Moody dragged her by the arm to where the three girls discussed.

Aurelie and Moody heard Anne speak to Ruby and Diana, who were in debate. "The hero accepts the call to adventure. So, we have to find a way to convince the town to accept Miss Stacy and let her stay." Explained the redheaded girl.

Once the girls noticed that Moody and Aurelie had entered, Diana dismissed them. "Not now, guys." She sighed. Moody frowned. He looked to Aurelie for guidance, who motioned for him to speak once more.

"The town hall meeting is tomorrow night." Stated Ruby.

 "Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing." Anne encouraged. "Either way, I say we try."

Aurelie nudged Moody once again. "Whatever you're planning, we want to help." Moody finally spoke up. "Everything went wrong after I dropped the light bulb." He explained. Anne paused for a moment, gasping in realization. "I've got it." She looked to the others. "I know what we're going to do! Huddle up."

Moody and Aurelie took a seat in the circle. "Here's what has to happen tomorrow..."


Early in the morning, Aurelie caught up with Moody's horse and cart. She sat beside him as they went to pick up all the other girls along with them to make their way to Charlottetown.

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