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'the cleansing fire of spirit consumes the troubles of this world. feed your concerns to the fire. breathe deeply and rejoice'

It was a cold night and Aurelie could not manage to fall asleep

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It was a cold night and Aurelie could not manage to fall asleep. She instead pasted a few more flowers into her notebook quietly. She knew her mother wouldn't want her up at this time.

Her window was open halfway, causing the wind to blow at her fingers. The pages of her notebook moved slightly. All of a sudden, Alice barged in with a lantern, startling the young girl. Aurelie heard a bell ring outside.

"There's another fire in town." The mother announced. Aurelie quickly stood from her seat, and ran after her mother in a hurry to arrive and try and help calm down the fire.

Once they arrived, the house was engulfed in flames. Aurelie panicked at the sight. All the memories of a few months ago flooded her mind. 

"This is the Gillis' house." Alice realized

"Is everyone out safe?" Worried Aurelie. 

"Yes." Alice confirmed. Aurelie stared up at the house in terror.

All of sudden, Diana cried out. "Anne! Anne!" She screamed. "Anne went inside!"

Alice and Aurelie quickly helped bring more water to the firefighters. The fire was beginning to calm down.

"Anne slowed down the fire!" A boy called out in amazement. "It was Anne! She did it!"


The next morning, no one had really gotten any sleep. They all gathered in front of the burnt down house. "And we thank Thee, O Lord for your mercy. And of some have compassion, making a difference. Others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating the garment spotted by the flesh." Recited the minister, dressed in black. "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to torment you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy...."

Aurelie looked to her mother, who had her eyes shut. She seemed to do that a lot when she was anxious or stressed. Aurelie reached for her mother's hand, holding it tight.

"...we thank thee for watching over us, and keeping all in our community safe from harm. Praise be to God Almighty."

"Alright, it's settled. The Gillis family will be billeted out." Mrs. Lynde announced. "To the Barrys, the Thompsons, and ourselves."

"All the men pulling together, we figure the major repairs will take about a week." Added Mr. Lynde. 

"Sound about right." Agreed Mr. Barry. 

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