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'who can really say how decisions are made, how emotions change, how ideas arise'

'who can really say how decisions are made, how emotions change, how ideas arise'

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"Aww, what a wittle baby."

"What a wittle tiny baby, yes you are."

Aurelie was growing very annoyed with Dean's constant baby talk to Delphine. It distracted her from the breakfast she was making and drove her absolutely insane.

She chose not to say anything, and instead resorted to aggressively cooking, making as much noise as she could without making it obvious in order to drown out his voice or make Delphine cry so that he'd leave.

She almost felt relieved when she heard a knock on the door, however her excited smile fell when she saw the terribly sad expression on Gilbert's face through the window. She rushed to open it.

"Gilbert." She breathed. "Is--Is everything alright?" She furrowed her eyebrows, forgetting completely about Gilbert and his new mystery girl during that moment. 

"We need to bring Delphine back to Mary." He informed in a soft mumble.

"Oh, is she feeling better?" Aurelie wondered. Gilbert shook his head. Dean and Alice had now also arrived beside Aurelie. 

"The doctor says it's terminal. She doesn't have long to live." Gilbert sniffled.

"Oh, Gilbert..." Aurelie held the side of her arm, unsure of whether to hug him or not. "I'm so...I'm so sorry." She sighed. 

"Thank you. Well, uh, Mary would like to spend the time she has with Delphine." Gilbert motioned towards the baby in Dean's arms.

Dean smiled to the infant. "We'll bring her over by carriage right away." Dean nodded, handing Aurelie the baby and making his way off to the stable. 

"I'll fetch her bottles and diapers." Alice mentioned, rushing inside.

Aurelie stared at Gilbert with a sorrowful expression. He stared at the floor, much like he did two years ago when his father died. Aurelie pursed her lips. The two of them waited in silence for Dean and Alice to come back.

After about two minutes, Alice and Dean were ready to leave in the carriage. Aurelie sat in the back.

 "I think I'll walk." Gilbert spoke. 

"May I join you?" Requested Aurelie. 

"Suit yourself." He replied.

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