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'you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen'

'you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen'

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"Get off the ice!"

"Get off my nerves!"

Billy scoffed, skating closer to Aurelie, purposefully moving his hockey stick in front of her legs, causing her to trip over it. Upon falling, she heard his friends laugh along with him.

Moody quickly reached the girl, pulling her up. He glared towards Billy. 

"I have a stick, Gilbert chose me to be on his team." Aurelie spoke as she brushed off her coat. Billy raised his eyebrows. 

"Besides, I can play better than all of you." She stated confidently, crossing her arms.

Billy scoffed as his friends laughed in disbelief.

 "Charlie, come on save that!" Called out Gilbert. Aurelie turned to Moody, then rejoined the game, which she had been very invested in before Billy disturbed her.

"Gilbert! Come on, pass!" She called, skating towards him. While she played, she noticed Moody skate off to the other girls who were watching the game. Since Aurelie was the only girl on the ice, they stared at her curiously. Josie Pye seemed very unpleased, especially when she would see Billy approach Aurelie.

"Diana." Moody tipped his hat at the uninterested girl. Due to his distraction, he nearly slipped, though he caught himself. Aurelie quickly skated towards the boy, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Don't fall." She whispered with a chuckle. 

"I wasn't trying." Mumbled the boy. 

Once Aurelie let go of Moody, she got hold of the puck. The boys always underestimated her, which actually, in turn, gave her more power over them.

While they relaxed at the thought that a girl was in possession of the puck, she scored with one swing of her hockey stick. Her team cheered, though there was no time to celebrate, since the other team was already eager to continue.

"Nice one, Aura!" Called Moody.

 In triumph, she chuckled to herself, following after the other boys. 

"This stupid stick's too short for me this year!" Complained Moody. 

"Get a new one." Aurelie responded calmly.

"I'll have you know, that I did." Moody stated as he noticed an Indigenous father and a daughter, who were just arriving. The father held a hockey stick in his hand.

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