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'because even a sliver of distance between us is infuriating'

'because even a sliver of distance between us is infuriating'

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It began as a regular and awfully boring day of school. As usual, Mr. Phillips paced around, giving the students all sorts of orders. "The area equals one half times the sum of both bases, multiplied by the height. Simple enough." The man stated. "Begin."

"The student who finishes last..." The man paused. "...will wish he had stayed home from school today." He concluded. Aurelie wished she had stayed home from school on any day.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of someone entering. The entire class was shocked to see Sebastian at the door. "Sebastian!" Gilbert stood from his seat. 

"Good morning. Pardon me." Sighed Sebastian. "I need to have a word with Gilbert, please."

"I'd thank you to stay in the cloakroom." The alarmed Mr. Phillips stepped forward. Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows, rushing towards the man. Aurelie listened in interest. 

"Sebastian, what are you doing here? Y-You look terrible." Worried Gilbert.

"You're not welcome here." Billy stated as Gilbert glared at him. "He tried to kill me at the Christmas Pantomime." Justified the blond. 

"If there's any threat in this classroom, it's you, Billy Andrews." Anne remarked. 

"Return to your lesson." Ordered Mr. Phillips. Aurelie sighed, staring back down at her workbook.

During lunch, Aurelie watched the door to see if Gilbert were to come back. Meanwhile, Moody practiced his math beside her. "Am I calculating this right?" He inquired, holding his board up to her face. She glanced over it, continuing to keep her attention on the door. She hummed in response.

Moody stretched out to block her vision with the board. With the door being covered now, Aurelie snapped out of her trance. "Oh- yeah." She affirmed. 

"Thanks." Moody continued his work. Aurelie stared at the door for just another moment before turning away.

"What's so interesting about the door?" Moody wondered. 

"Nothing...It's nothing." Mumbled the girl with a sigh.

 "I hear you and Gilbert went to Josephine Barry's party together. Are you two a couple?" Moody raised his eyebrows.

"W-What--No! Of course we're not...a couple. He came with me as a friend--a-a family friend at that. He's not even my friend. He's not like you and I. We're friends. But--b-but Gilbert...n-no. Not my friend." Aurelie stammered. 

"Not friends...cause you're more." Moody insisted.

"I will choose to ignore your ignorant claims, thank you very much." Aurelie rolled her eyes. Admittedly, she was about to turn and watch the door for some more, but instead was distracted by Cole's voice. "Hey! You have no right!" He chased after Billy.

Billy and his friends passed around Cole's ball of clay. When Billy caught it, he chuckled, staring at it questionably. "Stop!" Cole shouted. 

"What is this?" Billy asked with a hint of disgust, rubbing his hand off on his pants.

"Just give it back." Pleaded Cole. "Sure." Billy smirked. "Catch." He swung his arm back, aiming for one of his friends to catch, but it instead hit the window, shattering part of the glass.

The clay that was stuck on the window slipped off. "Mr. Andrews, that's enough!" Called Mr. Phillips in anger. He took out his handkerchief, lifting the ball of clay from the wooden floor. "To whom does this belong?" He inquired.

Cole gulped. "It's mine, sir." He admitted. Mr. Phillips clenched his jaw, taking a few steps closer to Cole, who backed away. Mr. Phillips opened the furnace, setting the clay inside. "Then your parents can pay for a new window."

"That's not fair! Billy threw it at him!" Anne argued. Aurelie turned to Moody, who shook his head slowly. 

"I'm speaking to Mr. Mackenzie!" Responded Mr. Phillips. "Well?" The man looked back to Cole.

Cole spun around to face Billy. "Why don't you tell the truth for once?" He yelled. Billy scoffed. "I was just...doing what you told me to." He sneered. "I was giving it back."

Cole clenched his jaw, rolling his fingers into fists. He took in a deep breath, turning away from Billy as he relaxed. "My parents can't afford that." He informed. 

"Then we'll have to punish you in some other way." Mr. Phillips made his way to his desk. In a drawer, was a wooden stick.

The class was surprised when Mr. Phillips took it out and began his way back to Cole. Mr. Phillips lightly tapped Cole's hand with the stick. "Open your hand." He ordered. 

"I didn't do anything wrong." Defended Cole.

"You are the most disruptive student in this classroom." Mr. Phillips replied. Aurelie pursed her lips, worried for Cole. 

Cole sighed. "That...is your perception..." He continued calmly. "...but it is not a fact." He concluded. He stood confidently just in front of Mr. Phillips. He was at an intimidating distance from him, meaning very up-close. "If you want to hate someone...you should look in the mirror."

"Open...your...hand." Repeated the professor. 

"No." Cole refused. Mr. Phillips was unsure of what to do. He had never expected Cole to rebel against him in this way. Taking notice of Mr. Phillips' silence, Cole took to storming out of the classroom.


No one saw Mr. Phillips the same way they did before the incident with Cole. Not even Prissy. That weekend, the town gathered at the chapel to watch the pair get married.

Aurelie sat beside her mother, but as soon as Prissy entered, everyone stood up. Prissy looked beautiful in her wedding dress. Mr. Phillips was extremely nervous at the sight of her. Prissy always seemed to have that effect.

Aurelie smiled politely to her as she passed by. She took a moment to admire the bouquet in her hands. She could name every flower. When Prissy fully passed, Aurelie was left with Gilbert's gaze on the other side. He smiled at Aurelie, admiring her dress.

Aurelie's smile slowly fell, and her cheeks glowed red. She turned away and faced the front of the chapel. Prissy stood across from Mr. Phillips, allowing everyone to take their seats.

Mr. Phillips lifted her vail. The young girl smiled at him. He remained silent, his expression seemingly emotionless. Prissy's smile fell slowly. She looked out towards the crowd, then to her mother.

"Prissy?" Whispered Mr. Phillips. She did not respond. "Prissy?" He repeated. As she slowly turned her head back, she dropped the bouquet at his feet, running outside.

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