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'If thinking should precede acting, then acting must succeed thinking'

'If thinking should precede acting, then acting must succeed thinking'

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There had been quite the incident at church that morning. It turned out that Anne had secretly gone behind everyone's backs to write a special article in the school newspaper. It regarded mainly the topic of women's rights in Avonlea, based on the situation with Josie, which angered many of the people in the town.

Now, the students in charge of the paper gathered in the school, arguing loudly. Aurelie sat in the back, reading her book to avoid the drama.

 "Everyone!" Miss Stacy clapped to grab their attention.

No one was interested in her calls, and instead continued to argue. Anne, however, stood and watched. Every now and then she looked to Aurelie, but was disappointed when she saw how uninterested she was in the situation.

Finally, to distract everyone, Miss Stacy threw a paper airplane across the room. It landed at Aurelie's feet. She looked up from her book. When she noticed the eyes that were all on her curiously, due to the airplane, she stood up and joined the group.

"I believe we've yelled enough about the incident." Stated Miss Stacy. "How would you like to proceed?" She questioned. "My first recommendation is to talk at a level that won't cause deafness."

Everyone remained silent, unsure of who should speak first. Gilbert sighed. "We're arguing about the wrong thing." He looked to Anne. "This isn't about what Anne wrote. This is about what's fair."

"What's fair?! My piece is literally and precisely called 'What is Fair?'" Anne argued.

 "Anne, it's time to listen." Miss Stacy interrupted. "Gilbert, please elaborate."

"I mean, fairness to us. The team." Gilbert explained. "You could've pitched your idea and we could've worked on it together. I'm sure that there's a way that we can talk about equality without...ruining a girl's life."

Aurelie scoffed, shaking her head. "Oh, now you have an opinion on equality?" She spoke up. Anne turned to her, as did Gilbert. 

"Well, it's the same opinion I probably would've had yesterday, had Anne bothered to ask." Gilbert responded, crossing his arms. Anne rolled her eyes.

"Interesting! Because at the fair, I could've sworn I saw you bargaining for an attractive new piece of land. I mean...wife." Aurelie raised her eyebrows. Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows.

"Alright, then!" Miss Stacy clapped her hands together. "Why don't I tell you my plan before this room spontaneously combusts?" She suggested.

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