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'the best people are always the worst. They drive everyone mad by being so good at second-guessing everything bad'

 They drive everyone mad by being so good at second-guessing everything bad'

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Aurelie stared at Josie, who stood with a proud smile. In back of her, was a board with a small piece of paper on it. Josie had not yet told Aurelie what was written on this paper, and would not allow her to see it either. Aurelie waited a few minutes, cross-armed along with Tillie and Jane.

"Diana, Anne! Come see!" Josie called out to them. "Someone has resurrected the Take notice board with a post about me." She stated in shock. 

"This is so exciting!" Exclaimed Tillie. 

"Isn't that scandalous?" Added Josie.

"The scandal will be when folks find out it was you." Remarked Jane, earning a chuckle from Aurelie. Josie turned to Jane. "You're a sly one, Jane, since I'm sure it was you who put this up." She accused. "Who else might've seen me strolling home with Billy?"

"Everyone will know now." Tillie stated excitedly. Anne grinned towards Diana. 

"Oh dear. Then again, I suppose it's a good thing, since we should all stake our claim on our paramours." Justified the blonde. Aurelie huffed.

Josie noticed her, then raised her eyebrows. "Don't you agree, Aurelie?" She crossed her arms. 

"Oh, yes. One hundred percent. I believe we should all be married at once or else us girls will have no purpose in our pointless lives. What good are we if there is no man present?" Aurelie responded sarcastically.

"That's true!" Tillie added, unaware of Aurelie's sarcasm. Josie rolled her eyes, turning to Tillie with an unamused expression. Tillie's smile fell, turning to Jane. "Did I do something wrong?" She whispered. Jane shrugged.

"At this age, we should all be promised to someone." Tillie defended her point as Ruby was just arriving. She stopped to read Josie's paper. 

"Wouldn't want to wind up an old maid." Josie looked to Aurelie. "Can that run in a family?"

"I don't believe so, but I think pettiness can. Maybe you got it from your mother." Aurelie sneered. Josie scoffed.

 "I'm so confused!" Shouted Ruby, distracting everyone. "We're of age now, but Gilbert hasn't made any advances yet." Whined the tearful girl. 

"Think of all the fresh, eye-catching talent that will be at Queens next year." Assured Josie.

 "But I'm only going to Queens to be near Gilbert!" Argued Ruby.

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