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'the decision is your own voice, an opinion is the echo of someone else's voice'

'the decision is your own voice, an opinion is the echo of someone else's voice'

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Dancing. A skill that Aurelie lacked. Still, she was gathered along with everyone else in the classroom. Miss Stacy stood in front, alongside Mr. and Mrs. Lynde. 

"As promised, today we'll be practicing for the county-fair barn dance." Announced Miss Stacy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lynde have kindly consented to help us in this endeavor." She motioned towards the couple. A few more people made their way inside.

 "Since The Dashing White Sergeant needs a set of six, I thought we'd better do so." Explained Mrs. Lynde. "Oh, you remember my son." Mrs. Lynde smiled to Miss Stacy.

"Yes, of course." Affirmed Miss Stacy. 

"It's very nice to see you again." The young man smiled. 

"Thank you..." replied the uninterested Miss Stacy. "...all for coming to help. Shall we?"

"We shall!" Exclaimed Mrs. Lynde. All the adults got into position. 

"Pay particular attention to the patterns." Instructed Mrs. Lynde. "Ready?" She asked.

"Ready when you are, Mrs. Lynde." Smirked her husband. The class chuckled. "Please clap out the rhythm." Requested Rachel. She began clapping. The class followed.

They began to dance in a circle. "And eight steps round." Called Rachel. "Five, six, seven and eight, and back the other way!" The class continued to clap. "Centre dancers, get ready to set, and set, and set and turn with both hands."

They each formed into separate groups. "And set and set, and one, two, three." Continued Rachel. "Reels of three! One, two three. Give your left shoulder to the partner facing you!"

"One, two, three, and all three lines reform: And one, two, three, four. And back, two three four." They danced along with her instructions. "And...sweep under raised arms to from another set. And stop. Oh!"

The students stopped clapping. "That's the basic pattern." Concluded the woman. 

"Why don't we give it a try? Please form your sets of six: boy-girl, boy and girl." Explained Miss Stacy. She separated them into their sets.

Aurelie stood in between Moody and Charlie, across from Gilbert. The two avoided each other's gaze. 

"Ready? Here we go." Mrs. Lynde clapped. "One, two, three, four."

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