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'if you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them'

A letter successfully sent to Gilbert, the Avonlea gold scandal, which Alice took much pride in being right about, a very eventful week that passed

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A letter successfully sent to Gilbert, the Avonlea gold scandal, which Alice took much pride in being right about, a very eventful week that passed. However, Aurelie did wish that it had taken her longer to write Gilbert that letter, seeing as there was never any gold to begin with.

Winter was now closing in and the classroom was beginning to get much colder. Aurelie sat in her usual spot, staring out the window, awaiting for class to begin.

The class was quite loud, until for a moment they weren't. This caused Aurelie to turn her head in the direction of Cole and Anne. Cole was fixing up Anne's hair, which was certainly an unusual thing to see a boy do, though Aurelie acknowledged it with more respect, rather than revolt.

This did not fare well when Mr. Phillips took notice. He cleared his throat obnoxiously. "Cole Mackenzie!" He yelled as if Cole were committing an unforgivable crime. Cole turned to the man, still holding Anne's hair in a braid.

"Since you seem to have such...feminine proclivities, we shall indulge your taste of it this morning. You can sit with the girls." He teased. The boys laughed.

Cole hesitantly made his way to his desk, gathering his materials and setting them down beside Aurelie, who still had an empty seat beside her. "Don't listen to him." Aurelie whispered. 

"I stopped doing that ages ago." Cole replied, causing Aurelie to smile slightly.

That lunch, Moody went to play games with the other boys. Aurelie sat with Cole. "Mr. Phillips had no right to insult you like that." She mentioned. "I'm sorry you had to endure it."

"It's fine." Cole mumbled. 

"It's not." Aurelie denied. 

"He's never liked me." Cole argued.

 "He doesn't seem to like anyone. Except Prissy." Aurelie added.

 "You noticed that I always seem to get detention for no reason other than I'm..." Cole trailed off.

"What?" Aurelie wondered. "You're what, Cole?"


"There's nothing wrong with being different." Aurelie sighed. "If we were all the same, that would be an absolute nightmare. Imagine if everyone was like Billy Andrews?" She shuddered at the thought. "Or Josie Pye."

Cole chuckled. 

"My point is, you're unique." Aurelie concluded. 

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