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'but nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it'

'but nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it'

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Aurelie had the worst weekend. She was terribly sick for the entire time and could not manage to leave her bed. After those disastrous days, Aurelie was sent back to school. She felt better than she had before, but was certainly not in any shape to do any learning. However, it seemed she had no choice.

Tiredly, she walked to school, slouching. Her eyes were kept half closed and her pace was particularly slow. Walking in the snow did not make it much easier. As she normally did, she reached for fence the door of the wooden fence. However, this time, it was locked.

Aurelie groaned, knowing that hopping the fence did not work in her favour the last time. Still, she reached up, pulling herself over. Inevitably, her skirt got caught in the spike, tearing as she landed in the snow.

Aurelie did not spare much of a reaction. In fact, she was having trouble processing any of her actions that morning. With a sigh and a yawn, she was off in the direction of school.

When she arrived, she met with Moody just in front of the school, joining him. "Woah. What happened to you?" Moody chuckled. Her hair was extremely wet from the melted snow which had gotten on it, not to mention her clothes which were the same and torn.

"I don't really know, to be honest." Mumbled the girl as they reached the door. "Frankly, at this point, I think I've given up." They entered. Aurelie removed her hat and jacket while Moody stared out at the class.

"You sure you've given up?" He raised his eyebrows. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Aurelie furrowed her eyebrows while struggling to hang up her coat. Moody didn't respond.

Aurelie stepped up beside him. She stared in confusion for a moment, until he came into view. Her eyes shot open as if her sickness and lack of sleep had magically vanished. There he was. Gilbert...Blythe. His 'indefinitely' sure was shorter than Aurelie had expected.

"Aurelie. (Ora-Lee)" Gilbert smiled. Aurelie stared at him, dumfounded. She looked down at her skirt in embarrassment, then pushed her hair back. "You're back." She breathed out.

"Yes. Hi." He chuckled. Aurelie gulped. She turned back to look at Moody, who was smirking. "There's no gold!" She quickly admitted.

 "I-I know. I-I heard." Stammered Gilbert. "That's not why I'm here. It's really good to see you."

Aurelie did not respond. It seemed she still had a lack for words in his presence. Saved by the door creaking from behind them, everyone took their seats. Mr. Phillips stood at the front.

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