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'decision making and problem solving are not the same. to solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. to make a decision, one needs to make a choice'

 to make a decision, one needs to make a choice'

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"...bud, bloom, branch and bough is part of a greater whole." Miss Stacy lead the class through the beautiful green forest. Aurelie studied her surroundings in astonishment, holding the hand of Moody, who was balancing atop of a few rocks.

"In fact, everything you see around you is entangled in a kind of symbiotic dance, and the uniqueness of each participant enables the forest to thrive." Exclaimed the enthusiastic teacher.

"But if you wish to see the true genius and efficiency of Mother Nature, just look up at the trees above you." Continued the woman. "See the channels of space between the canopy?"

Aurelie smiled up at the sky, but was distracted by Moody pulling on her arm in order not to fall. 

"This mysterious phenomenon is known as 'crown shyness.'" Informed Miss Stacy. "Each tree is aware of its boundaries."

"I wish Gilbert would be aware of his." Mumbled Aurelie, glaring at the back of Gilbert's head. "What was that?" Wondered Moody, pulling on her arm once more. 

"Nothing." Aurelie sighed.

"Which in tree-speak, means..." Miss Stacy spun around, taking notice of the two boys holding onto Tillie. "No touching!" She ordered. Aurelie glanced at Moody, hiding in the back so Miss Stacy would not realize they were holding hands.

"This kind of intelligence is not just limited to trees." Resumed the woman. "We see it across all of nature, even with the birds and the bees."

"Finally!" Josie chuckled.

 "Birds and bees?" Tillie asked excitedly. Miss Stacy sighed. "The bee collects pollen and nectar to feed the hive and create honey." She began. The girls were visibly disappointed.

"The flower receives the pollen, which it needs to bear fruit." Miss Stacy added.

 "I thought we were gonna learn about the real birds and bees." Complained Jane.

"I assure you, the lesson will be illuminating all the same." Defended Miss Stacy. "And then we have the birds." She went on. "Take the red-breasted nuthatch."

A few of the students chuckled at the name. Aurelie was too preoccupied with still staring at the back of Gilbert's head with fury. The two of them hadn't spoken since their fight which had been nearly a month ago. They hadn't even looked each other in the eye. They'd avoid walking together after school, and any other possible interaction.

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