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'time is the longest distance between two places'

'time is the longest distance between two places'

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Dear Gilbert,

Hello Gilbert,


Aurelie tore her paper in frustration, throwing the pieces onto the wooden floor. She groaned, leaning back in her chair and setting her pen down. She had been trying for a week to write to Gilbert in order to inform him about the gold that was supposedly discovered in Avonlea. Seeing as he was away, she knew it would benefit him to know.

Aurelie's mother did not want Aurelie writing to Gilbert about the gold. She said she didn't quite trust the man who 'discovered' it, though Aurelie certainly could not pass up the opportunity. It was not that she wanted to write to Gilbert and keep in contact. She would deny that at any cost. She was simply being decent. Being decent.

It was far too late at night for Aurelie to be worrying about Gilbert Blythe. The stars were already out, shining brightly. Aurelie had no idea what time it was, but she knew for sure her mother would not be pleased if she saw her awake, especially since there was school in the morning.

School was no longer fun without Gilbert to argue with. It was true that competing with Moody was pointless and seeing as he was her friend, he wouldn't mind losing as much when he was challenged. That was the only reason she missed Gilbert. At least, that was the only one she would admit to.

Aurelie would have loved to lie down and fall asleep in that moment. She would have much rathered that over writing her letter to Gilbert Blythe, which only stressed her out more due to the fact that she had to pay attention to her grammar as if it were a school assignment.

Saturday: She started confidently with her writing, until she realized she had gone on too long about her own life and figured that Gilbert would not be interested in that.

Sunday: She could not bring herself to write anything. She stared at a blank page for hours.

Monday: She spilled her ink all over her desk. She still hadn't managed to wash it out until a week later. She thus gave up on the letter until Thursday.

Thursday: She wrote a letter which she thought was perfectly fine, until she read it too many times and began to hate it.

Friday: She asked Moody to help her write to Gilbert, though she soon after realized it was not such a great idea. She then took to Anne who definitely was way to enthusiastic for Aurelie's liking. When Aurelie first mentioned writing to Gilbert, Anne automatically assumed it was a love letter. It took Aurelie a few minutes to convince her that wasn't true.

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