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'oftentimes, the most important decisions are the most difficult to make - for, your future, and the future of the generations that come after you, hinges on the outcome of those decisions'

'oftentimes, the most important decisions are the most difficult to make - for, your future, and the future of the generations that come after you, hinges on the outcome of those decisions'

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It was a disastrous morning. The first thing Aurelie saw upon arriving at school, was the entire structure in ruins, burned to ashes.

Anne, Miss Stacy, and Gilbert were already there, staring at the smoke in utter shock. Aurelie froze, unsure of how to react.

"Bell." Miss Stacy took notice of the metal bell that survived the fire. "Stove." She listed. "No printing-press metal."

"A printing press doesn't just up and walk away by itself." Gilbert commented. By now, the rest of the students were arriving, just as shocked as the ones who were already there.

"The fire in the stove wasn't lit." Stated Moody. 

"No lightening..." Added Charlie. "What could've--"

"Ask whoever took the printing press, because it's not here." Anne interrupted tearfully.

 "What do you mean, not here?" Questioned Tillie.

 "What?" Moody looked to Aurelie, who sighed, shaking her head.

"Taken?" Ruby furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Somebody did this? On purpose?" Diana frowned.

 "I believe it." Commented Josie. 

"Who would...?" Ruby could not finish her sentence.

"Those who don't like being challenged." Gilbert interrupted.

 "They can't get away with this. We have to do something!" Aurelie stated angrily. 

"We did do something, and this was the result!" Argued Tillie.

 "And now we have nothing." Cried Anne. "It's all my fault."

"This is not Anne's fault." Spoke Miss Stacy. "Nor any of yours. This is the fault of small minds! We don't know exactly what happened, and we may never, but we cannot let it knock us down or silence us." She declared.

"Yes, this is a vile, spineless act. But it's proof positive that we made an impact. Kudos to you." She, too, was in tears. "Now is the time to focus on your futures and the Queens entrance exams, and not on this act of...cowardice!" She shouted.

All of a sudden, Anne ran off in tears. Everyone watched her in confusion, but said nothing.

Since there was nowhere else to go and study, everyone walked to Miss Stacy's house. Aurelie sat at the table beside Moody, helping him with geometry.

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