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'it is often said that a wrong decision taken at the right time is better than a right decision taken at the wrong time'

'it is often said that a wrong decision taken at the right time is better than a right decision taken at the wrong time'

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Aurelie waited impatiently at the train station, awaiting for Gilbert and Bash to arrive. It was quite a warm morning, but still a little windy.

Aurelie had begun spending an exceptional amount of time with Gilbert and Sebastian, especially after Mary died. She did not want them to feel alone, and of course, she also loved helping with Delphine. She, herself, had become quite good at cooking, with a few tips she overheard Dean give her mother, though she would never admit it.

She continuously glanced around, searching for the pair who was running late. When she finally noticed them, she smiled. "You almost missed the train!" She set her hand down on Gilbert's shoulder.

 "I know, sorry. It's a little bit of a mess and we had to drop Delphine off at the Cuthberts'." Gilbert sighed.

Gilbert was escorting Bash to Charlottetown in order for him to see Jocelyn and Constance in the bog. He had to inform them of when Mary's funeral would be. However, Aurelie was unsure what business Gilbert had in Charlottetown, if any.

After Bash's departure, Aurelie was unsure of what to do. "So...what now?" Aurelie wondered. 

"I've got to meet with a...work...friend." Gilbert trailed off. 

"A...work friend?" Aurelie furrowed her eyebrows.

 "Yes. For tea. You can come, if you want, but you'd have to sit at another table." Gilbert nodded.

"Yeah, sure." Aurelie agreed. Gilbert lead her to the tea shop. Aurelie's heart stopped when she noticed the same blonde woman that Gilbert spoke to not so long ago sitting by the window.

They entered together, but Aurelie rushed quickly to another table as if she didn't even know Gilbert. She kept her gaze straight, but listened in closely to their conversation.

It began simple. Gilbert told her about everything that's been happening. "And I need to be home right now." He sighed. "Doesn't feel right to be away from Bash and Delphine."

"And you mustn't worry about Dr. Ward." Assured the blonde. Aurelie was right to assume she was English. She had such a soothing voice. Aurelie clenched her jaw, taking a sip from her tea. Without realizing, she drank too much, burning her tongue.

"It just means that he has to start doing everything he hated again." Joked Gilbert's 'work friend.' "You were a great help." She concluded.

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