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'absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguished the small, it enkindles the great'

Business at the flower shop was definitely slow in the winter, though it still didn't stop the occasional customer

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Business at the flower shop was definitely slow in the winter, though it still didn't stop the occasional customer. Aurelie admired every client that entered the shop during the winter. She saw the love for spring and summer in their eyes just as she did in herself.

The flower shop was a refuge of spring during the cold weekends. Aurelie took every opportunity to watch her mother work, and sometimes helped with the watering of flowers or spoke with customers.

Today, she watered the flowers. Every now and then, someone would approach her and ask her questions about certain flowers, which she would always answer with excitement.

As she watered a bright pink petunia, a tall woman with hair as bright as the snow approached her with a kind smile. "Do you work here?" She wondered. 

"My mother owns the shop, but I would be glad to help." Aurelie grinned.

"Oh, wonderful. I was wondering what kind of flower this is?" The woman held up an interestingly shaped flower. It's petals looked like maple leaves, except they were purple.

Aurelie gasped. "Wow. A wonderful choice! This is a kind of tulip called 'black parrot' and they are my absolute favorite! Award-winning Tulip 'Black Parrot' is a dazzling whimsically-shaped tulip with fragrant dark purple flowers, almost flamed, and edged in black..." She marveled. "They can grow up to 16-24 inches tall— this tulip creates dazzling harmonies with other late season flowering bulbs. They symbolize power and strength and their mysterious and elegant shade depicts... royalty." Aurelie smiled enthusiastically.

The woman stifled a laugh. "My, you certainly have a knowledge of flowers. You must have memorized an entire Encyclopedia!" She commented. 

"I do love them very much." Aurelie smiled.

Alice made her way towards the two. "Aurelie, what did I tell you about—"

"No, no. It was no bother. If anything, your daughter made me want to purchase these even more than I already did." Chuckled the white-haired woman. "I'll take a dozen."

Alice sighed, smiling to the woman, then winking at her daughter. 

"Mother, can I take just one flower from the petunias? They look so lovely today." Aurelie pleaded.

Alice hesitated for a moment, then exhaled. "Just one. Not five like last time. Don't try and be sly." She raised her eyebrows. Aurelie beamed. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She cheered, wrapping around her mother in a tight hug, before grabbing seven petunias on her way out.

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