[1] Fate Brought Us Together

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-The next day-

*Your POV*

After you spent the last 24 hours borderline freaking out about the job interview, you walked up to the front doors of the massive building of JYP Entertainment. Just like ripping off a Band-Aid, you walked through the automatic sliding doors and headed to what looked like a reception desk. As you approached one of the workers behind the counter, one of the ladies spoke out to you. "Good day, how can I help you?"

"A-ah hello, I have a job interview at noon today. The name is Kwon Y/N." You told her, trying your hardest not to stutter from nervousness.

"Let me check, give me one moment." She told you, to which you just nodded. After a few clicks of the mouse, she turned your attention back to you, pulling out a printed sheet of paper from underneath her desk. "Okay, I have you checked in. You will need this printed barcode to enter when you are called up, as well as the sticker at the bottom of the sheet signifying that you are a guest. Make sure you have both at all times in the building. Any questions?"

Having none, you just shook your head to answer. She then told you to sit at one of the chairs and wait until someone comes and called for you.

*3rd Person POV*

While Y/N sat waiting for his job interview, a female walked into the building. Although Y/N didn't take notice of her, she did. She remembered who he was from a certain previous encounter that still sat fresh in her mind. Seeing his face, she double backed and headed straight for the reception desk.

"Oh, hello Suzy-ssi, how can I help?" One of the receptionists asked her.

"Youkyoung, is PD-nim still available?" She asked the receptionist.

"Let me see... Looks like he is for a few minutes. If you go up to his office right now, you should be able to catch him before his next appointment. Should I let his assistant know you're heading up?"

The female, Suzy, nodded before turning to look at Y/N and back to Youkyoung. "Is he a new hire?" She asked, pointing in his direction.

"Who, him? He's in an interview. Supposedly for that translator position PD-nim added."

"Perfect. I'm off, thanks a bunch." Suzy finished her conversation before fast-walking through the security gates with her pass. Once through the gates, she made her way to the elevators and straight to an office in the building.

Walking up to a set of double doors, Suzy knocked on the doors after greeting the personal assistant.

"Come in." A male's voice called her in.

"Jinyoung-ah!" She called out to the man sitting behind his desk.

"Suzy-ah, what's the matter?" He asked cautiously, unsure of why she was out of breath and almost panicking.

"Do you remember the incident at Incheon I told you about, right after Christmas?" She asked, to which Jinyoung nodded, telling her to continue. "I found him, the guy that stepped in and moved the drunk sasaeng away. He's the new interpreter you're interviewing!"

"Well well well, how fate has brought us all together, huh?" He chuckled, pleased that the situation wasn't dire.

"Listen, I know that I'm not really in a place to suggest this, but instead of just an interpreter, why don't you have him in as an additional manager for the girls. They could use one more, and both Sadness-unnie and Pinky-oppa could use another set of hands, since Colossus and Tendo-managers aren't on full-time yet." She pleaded.

"Whoa, hold on Suzy-ah. This is out of nowhere. What brought this on." Jinyoung asked in curiosity.

"Look, Miss A aren't THE JYP girl group anymore, and the girls deserve someone like him who can selflessly deal with any bad situation like mine with no hesitation, and someone who acts for the betterment of others. Plus, he's already got the skills to be a translator. He's the perfect fit for a manager." Suzy explained, speaking her thoughts.

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