[14] Caretakers

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*Your POV*

Now that your living situation was final, you slowly packed away your belongings that were at your old apartment and moved them to your new room at the girls' dorm. With some help from staff at JYP, most of your belongings were in your new room.

Since you only had a few boxes left, you decided to move the last of your belongings on your own. Once those boxes were loaded in your car and you returned the keys to your apartment to the landlord, you drove off to your new residences. About 10 minutes into the drive, rain that was forecasted to roll into the area in the evenings showed up earlier than expected. By the time you reached the dorm building, it was pouring with rain, and since you didn't have an umbrella, you were going to get wet no matter what you tried.

'Well, I'm going to get absolutely soaked...' You thought as you turned the ignition of your car off. After waiting for a minute and just giving up on holding out for the rain, you pushed the car door open and ran around back to the trunk to move your boxes as quickly as possible.

When you ran into the building, you immediately placed the box down at the door and ran out to your car to get the rest. 4 trips later, you finally had everything in the dorm building. With the rainwater seeping in through the cardboard, you rushed to get everything out of the deteriorating boxes and into your room.

Because you were rushing to both get things out of the car and out of the boxes as fast as possible, you were sweating profusely on top of being soaking wet from the rain. Paired with the air conditioning that was keeping the dorm at a nice temperature, you immediately felt the chills kick in once you stopped moving.

Regardless, you kept fighting through the discomfort and hastily unpacked before the girls returned from their day out, since the boxes were essentially blocking the area where everyone's shoes were. And after about 2 hours, you were pleased with how your room was turning out.

'Well that's finally over...' You thought as you took the time to wipe off the sweat on your brow. After checking your watch and seeing that there was about an hour until everyone returned, you decided to take your time and take a nice long shower while you had the house to yourself.

Once you were done showering, as well as humming your songs, you got dressed and ready to make dinner before the girls came home. Feeling nostalgic, you decided to break out the chef's jacket the girls gave you, and decided on a recipe that was a s equally as nostalgic: the Rabokki recipe from their book that Jeongyeon's father made once upon a time.

Since you were at the stage of listening to your TWICE song of choice, you decided to pull up the MV for 'Heart Shaker'. As the Rabokki stewed away, you began to dance and sing along to the video, using the wooden spoon as a microphone. Once the song reached the chorus, you couldn't help but sing along at max volume.

"Isanghage, saenggakaedo, eojjeol su eopseo banhaessu-" (but you know what the lyrics should be, right? *wink wink*)

"Bwahahahaha!" You were rudely interrupted by loud laughing. Once you were pushed out of your dancing mood, you turned towards the origin of the laughter and saw Nayeon almost keeling over in laughter.

"Yah! Come on!" You yelled while blushing from embarrassment, turning the music back down.

"Oooh, what smells good?" Momo being Momo asked, picking up immediately at the smell of food.

"Hey, I haven't seen that jacket in a long time!" Chaeyoung shouted excitedly, seeing their Christmas gift being used well.

"Wait, is that the Rabokki recipe from the book?" Jeongyeon asked, noticing the similar scent of the bubbling broth.

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