[46] Rising Tensions

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*Your POV*

The first couple of months on base had been pretty decent all things considered. There were no conflicts between the squadmates and fellow CSAR members, training had been going well, and in fact, both you and Hyunjin had been promoted already to the rank of Private First Class. Having said that, the top brass had decided to ramp up the training drills and scenarios for everyone on the base: more training flights for the jet fighter pilots, and more rescue drills for you and the rest of the CSAR teams.

Currently, Bravo company was involved in a testing program in the rolling hills by the base, simulating what an evacuation mission would be like in the forest. Being assigned as the designated extraction specialist by Ilhoon and the rest of your company mates, you were being strapped into your rappelling harness as the helicopter hovered above the practice zone.

"Good to go?" Hyungwon tapped your shoulder and asked with a thumbs-up.

After you returned his question with a thumbs-up of your own, the helicopter doors slid open, revealing the rather beautiful and scenic view of the forest below you. Unfortunately, you didn't really have time to go sight-seeing, as you had to jump out and rappel down towards the target area fairly quickly.

The whole scenario was pretty straight forward: you would jump out of a helicopter and down towards a dummy that had been dropped by Ilhoon before you jumped down after it. After seeing the bundle tumble in the air and eventually land on the ground among the trees, you began your descent.

"Ready? 3, 2, 1, go!" Ilhoon counted you down, starting the stopwatch as he said go. And just like you were trained for, you stepped back off of the step and lowered yourself down towards the trees. While things were going fairly well, dealing with the wind and the sway of the helicopter was slightly annoying, especially since being pushed into pine trees uncontrollably wasn't your idea of fun and enjoyment.

"How are things going?" Hyunjin asked you through the earpiece.

"No problems here, get ready to start dropping the cage though. I'm almost at the ground."

Because everyone had run this scenario multiple times in preparation for the test, the execution was absolutely flawless. You reached the dummy with no issue, and managed to get them to the clearing where the rescue cage would be lowered to. And once it arrived, managed to secure it to the rescue cage in what felt like record time, so that it was ready to be pulled up.

"Bravo leader, Bravo 3. We're good for extraction." You called back up to the helicopter.

"Affirm Bravo 3, taking up slack." Ilhoon reported back over the sound of mechanical whirring in the background.

With your part of the test out of the way, all you had to do was wait to be pulled back up to the helicopter. As the rescue cage began making its way up slightly above you, you began moving upwards as well, dangling on the wire being slowly hoisted up alongside the typical rescue cage. Or at least that's what was supposed to happen. Once you had just about cleared the tops of the trees, the winch you were on made a horrific creaking sound before coming to a stop.

"Erm, guys? What's happened to the hoist?" You radioed back to the helicopter.

"We're a bit tangled up with the wires. Just, hang on for a sec." Hyunjin reported back through your earpiece.

"Not like he could do much else." Hyungwon commented flatly.

"Shouldn't that be my line?" You asked back.

"Hey, Y/N. You're going to start swinging around here in a sec. Nothing to worry about, just make sure you don't crash into that cage down there." Ilhoon informed you.

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