[21] Life In Pink

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*Your POV*

Today was the day that the 12 IZ*ONE members would be starting their idol careers as a group. Instead of a day of activities and schedules with the TWICE members, they had another free day, and you took advantage of that by helping your sister move.

So as you drove the van to your house to gather her belongings, you couldn't help but be sentimental about the occasion. When you started university back in the day, your sister had tagged along to help you move, and now you were returning the favor. However, when you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building, you didn't see a pile of boxes nor Eunbi waiting for you.

'Huh, I wonder if she's still packing...' You thought as you walked into the building, heading for the stairs to your family apartment. When you reached the front door, you were again surprised at the lack of noise and activity that could be heard behind the door. Now concerned, you unlocked the door and walked in, making sure to take your shoes off neatly.

"Eunbi? Are you there?" You asked as you walked through the hall towards the living room and where her bedroom was. While you heard no response from anyone, you did find a stack of boxes labelled "Eunbi" next to where her bedroom was, but no Eunbi to be seen or heard.

*knock knock* "Eunbi-yah, you there?" You asked through her door to no response. You weren't sure if she was even home, so after knocking softly again, you cracked the door open and took a cautious peek inside. What you saw made you chuckle lightly: Eunbi was still asleep, tucked comfortably in bed cuddling with one of her pillows.

"Eunbi-yah... Wake up..." You said softly, nudging her to try and get her up.

"...n-no... 5 more minutes..." She mumbled, turning over in her bed.

"Come on, we have to get you moved in. Wake up..." You tried again, this time sitting on the edge of her bed.

"...nnngh. Y/N?" She asked you drowsily, rolling around again until she saw you. "What are you doing here..."

"Help you move, sleepyhead. Come on, want me to make you breakfast?" You asked as you stood up to head for the door. However, she stopped you by suddenly clutching at your arm.

"C-can you stay for a bit..." She asked you shyly. With a simple nod, you sat back down, with Eunbi now properly hugging your arm.

"You nervous?" You asked, allowing her to cuddle your arm.

"Yeah, a little... What if the same thing happens as last time..." She thought out loud, referring to her short-lived career as a part of Ye-A.

"Oh, come here." You said, signaling her to sit up and hug you. After she got up and proceeded to wrap you up in a side hug, you continued. "Listen, I think you 12 girls will be a hit right out of the gate. I mean the nation already knows who you are and what you can do, so that's a head start in your favor. Nonetheless, I believe in you 12, and you'll have a fan in me no matter what happens."

"And whenever you want to talk or need me, just give me a ring or something. Plus, I think we'll be running into each other a lot in the future." You finished with a chuckle.

"Pfft, that's only a little bit creepy." She commented sarcastically, now sitting up.

"Might be true, but really, you will run into me a lot more than you think... Or want to be fair, but it might be nice to see each other once in a while. Now come on, want some breakfast? Cheesy eggs?"

"Yes please! I'll get dressed." She replied, jumping out of bed and pushing you out of the room.

'Haha, never change Eunbi...' You thought as you walked into the kitchen with a smile plastered on your face.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now