[5] Juggling Practice

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*Your POV*

You woke up to the sound of your alarm, specifically 'Like A Fool' playing from your phone, since you decided on a random TWICE song every morning as your alarm. Although you were an early riser, you were not ready for constant early mornings yet. Seeing that it was already 5:40 by the time you got out of bed, you slowly got dressed and ready to start the hectic day.

Knowing how important a good breakfast is, and remembering that the girls really didn't have the ingredients to do so, you quickly got your backpack after getting dressed in some grey khakis and a black quarter zip jumper, and left for the parking garage where your car was parked.

After about 15 minutes of traffic-free driving, you arrived in the parking garage of the dorm building. You knew that the first thing on the schedule was at 8:00AM, so you decided on stopping at the closest grocery store to get ingredients for just breakfast. After you park and grab a shopping cart, you get eggs, sliced bread, butter, sausages, and an assortment of vegetables for omelettes. After paying, and being startled after seeing the price on the receipt, you drove to the dorm.

When you arrived, you found out that you didn't have any hands to unlock the door, let alone knock on it. Biting the bullet, you lightly kicked it, hoping that someone would be there. Luckily, you heard light footsteps on the other side of the door. You tried "knocking" on the door again, and thankfully, the door opened to a very groggy-looking Dahyun.

"Y/N-oppa? What are you doing here?" She asked you in a half-yawn.

"Breakfast." You said simply, holding up the multiple grocery bags in your hands.

With no noticeable reaction, Dahyun opened the door all the way so you could enter. Once she went to prepare for the day, you made yourself at home by getting started right away with the cooking.

As you kept on chopping vegetables and whisking eggs for the omelettes, more and more of the members slowly started to wake up, as heard by the multiple doors and the pitter patter of feet along the hardwood floor. Since the path between the bedrooms and the bathrooms didn't go past the kitchen, you didn't see anyone until everyone was pretty much wide awake and ready to go.

Right as you finished the first omelette, you heard a voice shout excitedly from the hallway.

"Mmmmmm~ What smells so good?" Chaeyoung entered the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

"Mornin' Chae." You greeted her with a wave of your spatula. "Want breakfast before your schedule-packed day?" You ask her, which she happily nods.

"Should I go and wake everyone up?" She asked you.

"Eh, give them like 15 more minutes. It's still early enough to not have to rush yet." You tell her, looking at your watch and noticing it was still about 6:45AM.

Slowly but surely, everyone made their way into the kitchen and ate their omelettes with satisfaction on their faces. As it was almost time to go to the JYP building for the group's first meeting, you informed everyone to hurry up with their meals and meet at the van in the garage.

At exactly 7:30AM just like you had scheduled, you and the girls got in the van and drove to the JYP building. In the car, everyone made light conversation about their night or the upcoming day. Of course, when the topic of food was brought up, Momo chimed in and asked you questions.

"Say Y/N, can you make us food like that again?" She asked you cutely by plopping her head into the view of your rear view mirror.

"Hmmm... Maybe if you all ask nicely~" You teased, fully committed to the bit. What followed was multiple members--specifically everyone apart from Jeongyeon, Mina, and Tzuyu who were still partially asleep--doing their best aegyo to try and convince you, which made you chuckle heartily. "Haha! Alright, calm down you 6. Of course I'll make food again." You stated, which was met with cheers.

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