[Ending 9] One More Sharing Platter

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A/N: similar to Mina's ending, we are now outside of the JYPe building after the news of TWICE was broken to you.

Also, there's a slightly important note after the chapter that explains what happened with this chapter, so please give it a read if you're curious.


*Your POV*

Mentally exhausted was a good description of what you were feeling currently. It wasn't like there was a deep conversation or anything that you had, but just hearing about the fate of TWICE so bluntly took the wind out of your sails, mentally and physically. And the slightly chilly autumn breeze could do nothing about getting you even a little bit re-energised. So you just stood there, right outside the JYP building's front doors, facing your car, head completely empty.

But all of this standing around and doing nothing was doing a number on your body. The cold wind blowing through the city, combined with you not being dressed for the weather meant that you were feeling the chill run down your spine fairly quickly. Once your body was screaming at you that it was too cold, your head was finally back in the proper space, and you began walking back to your car to resume your life, whatever that might entail.

The moment you closed the car door behind you once you were inside, everything really kicked in then and there. You were in the worst type of limbo. Your life, which you had always taken meticulous care and planning of what was going to happen, and when it happened. But of course, this one single event would throw everything out of the window, with no way to get back on course.

It was only the bing bong of your car that got you somewhat out of your funk. With a sigh, you looked over to the car's centre console to see what was the matter with it, only to be met with the usual welcome message on it saying "where to today?", something the girls had programmed in when they bought it for you. Usually, this message would've cheered you up, but today just did not hit at all after everything that had happened.

*sigh* "I don't know car, I don't know..." You said out loud, responding to the message on screen. After a few more moments and once the weather had slightly changed and started drizzling, you began driving to the one place you knew you had left: your parents' house.

Once you were out on the road, you were both hesitant and relieved to be moving again. Relieved because you could finally take some time off to yourself, but nervous because this drive back would take you through pretty much every single place that you had gone to as part of the TWICE team. And frankly, you were nervous about reliving all of the good times in your fragile state.

First place was the TWICE dorm building, where you had gone already once today. But now that you know of what had happened to TWICE, this was going to feel significantly different than just an hour before when you picked up the car. And as you approached and eventually passed the building, it was becoming more difficult to keep a tear from escaping from your eyes.

All you wanted was to get far away from the building as quickly as possible, but of course a poor sequence of traffic lights and the evening traffic didn't allow for that to happen. And this waiting just allowed for all of the memories to come flooding back in. From all of the shenanigans in daily life like cooking for everyone, all of the late night meal runs and dinners you all shared, all of the parties and get-togethers that the girls organised for various occasions, and just the privilege of being able to live with all 9 girls, your mind blitzed through every memory you could muster in that short span of time.

Now on the verge of actually crying behind the wheel, mercifully the traffic light changed colours and you were able to escape this place of once good memories now turned into a place of mental anguish. But that mental anguish wouldn't back down, as you passed all of the restaurants and stores that you would often visit for the girls. After experiencing mental stress unlike you've felt since your time on the Gauntlet back in basic training, you turned into the side road leading up to your childhood home.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now