[35] The Bubble Life

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*Your POV*

The days following the sudden change in society was interesting to say the least. You had been living this manager life almost every day for the last few years and breaking out of this continuous pattern was a lot more difficult than you initially thought.

Originally, the first day of the imposed lockdown was supposed to be loaded with events from a radio broadcast in the morning, a group dance practice right after lunch, a fansign event in the evening, and one final radio broadcast to wrap up the night. And just like the schedule, you woke up bright and early ready to make breakfast for everyone to eat in the van ride to the broadcast station before realising that the schedules were called off. Of course you were teased endlessly once everybody was awake and realised your mistake, since all you could think of doing was blankly sit at the kitchen counter with nothing but a mug of coffee.

The rest of the morning for everyone was spent in a sort of state of limbo, with no one really knowing what to do now that there was literally nothing to do but stay home. Some people decided to go back to their rooms, whether that be to be somewhat productive in the case of Jihyo and Mina who went off to read and go play Minecraft respectively, or get more sleep in the case of Momo.

For you, you remained in the kitchen, quite literally not moving from your seat at the counter apart from to take a sip from the mug in your hands which was one sip away from running out of the lukewarm bitter bean juice. Strangely enough, the usually hyperenergetic Sana also sat at the counter with her own cup of coffee, one that she spent quite a few minutes adding sugar and cocoa powder to make it tolerable for her taste buds.

"I'm bored." Sana eventually grumbled out loud.

"Yep." You replied simply, not giving any effort whatsoever at your response.

"I'm still bored." Sana piped up after a few more minutes of silence.

"Yep." You responded again, taking a sip from your mug.

"Is there even anything left in that mug?" Sana asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope." You again responded simply, pointing the opening of your mug towards her.

"Then why do you keep sipping from it?!"


"Oh for crying out loud!" Sana shouted before snatching the mug out of your hands. "Let's do something instead of just sitting around!"

"Well what do you suggest?"

"Hmm... Teach me how to cook!"

"Absolutely not!" You shouted with Jeongyeon also shouting the exact same thing as she walked into the kitchen.

"At least not right now. Eventually we might a little bit later." Jeongyeon offered.

*Hmph* "Fine." Sana tutted before walking back to her room.

"Maybe we should've taught her... Would've given us something to do..." You thought out loud.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen on not having a kitchen for the entirety of lockdown." Jeongyeon admitted, herself getting some ingredients ready for a quick meal of her own.

"You know, maybe Sana has a good point. I should learn something or take on a project." You again spoke your thoughts to no one in particular.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Jeongyeon asked from the stove.

"Rearranging my room. I'll probably find something else to do while I'm busy." You admitted bluntly.

With not much else to say besides a simple "hmmm", the conversation between you and Jeongyeon ended rather abruptly. After a couple more minutes of silently sitting, you stood up and walked over to your little office-slash-bedroom ready to make yourself busy in some form.

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