[31] Delighted Collectively

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*3rd Person POV*

With their schedules now fairly open, most of the TWICE girls were busy not being busy in their dorms. Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon were planning on a day out with GFRIEND's Eunha, Yerin and Sowon at an outdoor market, Tzuyu was going out for lunch with Dreamcatcher's Handong and CLC's Elkie, Chaeyoung and Somi were out at a café since late morning, and Dahyun and SinB off on a filming of 'Weekly Idol'.

When Tzuyu and her group had left while the weather was still good, when the 6-person TWICExGFRIEND team were ready to leave, it had started raining, canceling their plans immediately.

"Why now..." Eunha muttered sadly, looking through the window.

"They got lucky." Sana grumbled.

"I mean it is springtime." Jihyo commented from the kitchen. "Anyone want some tea?"

"Yes please." Everyone replied.

"What was at the market that we were going to look at?" Nayeon asked, joining Eunha at the window.

"There was that jeweler making the hand-crafted accessories." Sana said.

"And all of the street food vendors." Yerin added.

"Oh, the sweet corn dogs..." Eunha said with a pout, returning to the couch.

"At least we won't be cold and wet here though." Sowon commented.

"Teas are ready." Jihyo announced as she carried the tray into the living room.

"Thanks Jihyo. At least the market is open until next week." Yerin said, taking a sip of her newly acquired tea.

"But we have to get ready for the comeback soon." Eunha pointed out.

"We'll just have to plan something out then." Jihyo said, sitting down with her own mug.

"Well, what now?" Sana asked sadly.

"The mall is a no go today, considering everyone will be there with the rain. And we'll definitely get noticed if we go there." Sowon hypothesised.

*sigh* "Might as well hunker down until the rain clears." Jihyo said, leaning back into the couch.

While this conversation was going on, Nayeon went ahead and switched on the television to get something going in the background.

"What about a movie?" Eunha asked, seeing that the TV was powered on.

Just as she suggested a movie, Nayeon by happenstance managed to switch on to 'Happy Together', a show all of them were familiar with and watched on occasion.

"Isn't it usually on at night?" Nayeon asked.

"Must be a rerun to cover for another show." Sowon said, grabbing her mug and a couple of biscuits.

"Oh, who's on this week?" Eunha asked, sitting down on the couch with her mug of tea.

"No idea. Pretty sure it's yesterday's rerun." Nayeon said, grabbing a couple of biscuits from the table, settling in on the couch.

"And now, for the rerun of 'Happy Together' with hosts Yoo Jae Suk, Jun Hyun Moo, Jo Se Ho, Jo Yoon He, and guests Kim Na Yeon, Kim Min Jun, Mr. Park, and Kwon Y/N."

'What?!" Sana shouted, not believing what she had heard.

Just like announced on the TV, there was a picture of the 4 guests on screen, and indeed, it was TWICE's former manager Sadness-unnie and their beloved resident manager Y/N on the screen. Just like some of the TWICE members and GFRIEND had been invited as guests in the past, it was now their manager's turn in front of the camera.

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