[41] Back To Your Roots

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*Your POV*

After the unsightly miscommunication incident, the bond between you and the TWICE members quickly repaired itself, now that your time together officially came with a deadline that was creeping ever so closer every day. As the number of days continued to reduce, your schedules shifted to be more directly involved with the members and less about the organisation.

In recent weeks, your main goal had been to try and spend as much time with them as possible before your departure, whether that be just spending time with them during and outside of their schedules or making more homemade meals for everyone. And thankfully, it seemed like it was working, as you noticed a lot more smiles from the members on a daily basis.

Currently, it was now the last weekend of your managerial position before you were off to military training, and you were at the dorm busying yourself with a dinner for everyone. TWICE had no promotions going on, with 'Cry For Me' having wrapped up a few weeks prior, and the free time certainly improved the mood at the dorm.

"Goo-mrning'" Mina announced sleepily, coming down from her room upstairs.

"Have a good nap Minari?" You chuckled at her still sleepy demeanour.

"You know I never complain about a free day nap." She said with a small smile. "Whatcha making today?"

"Pho, or at least trying to. Wanna taste test?" You asked, blowing on and holding out a spoon of broth for her.

"Yes, please." She said quietly before taking a sip. Once you didn't really get a response from her, you asked her yourself what she thought about it. "Well... It doesn't really taste like anything..."

"Eh?!" You reacted, before taking a sip for yourself, and realising that, indeed, it didn't taste like anything. "Wow, you weren't kidding... How did I mess it up this badly?"

"Is that the recipe you were following?" Mina asked, pointing at your phone screen.

"Yeah, or at least the one I was trying to follow."

After a minute or so of her scrolling through the webpage, she pointed at a line on the recipe card. "I think you might have gotten this wrong here."

"Lemme see." When you took a look, there was a line that specified for all of the toasted spices to be put into the broth, but said spices were still sitting on the counter. "Ah, that'll do it." You facepalmed, embarrassed at missing such a blatant step.

"Baka~" Mina teased you, very gently bonking you on the head with the ladle on the counter before running away.

"Yah! Come back here!" You chased her around the counter, even though Mina was still armed with the soup ladle. What followed was an almost-comedic chase sequence where you would chase Mina around, until she turned and started chasing you waving the ladle around, rinse and repeat.

"What are you two doing!?" Jihyo asked using her loud leader voice, stopping the two of you in your tracks after a little bit of chaotic chasing.

"Eep!" Mina squealed in surprise, taking cover behind you.

"Erm, nothing?" You replied, not too confident in your answer.

"Really?" Jihyo asked again, raising one eyebrow as she walked over to the two of you. "Mina?" She asked again, this time directly at her.

"Just messing around." She said in very tiny, handing Jihyo the ladle.

"I see..." Jihyo said before turning towards you with the ladle in her hands, before putting on an evil smirk.

"Umm, Jihyo?" You asked, slightly terrified at what she was going to do.

"3... 2... 1..." She counted down, still keeping that evil smirk as she walked towards you like a lion chasing down its prey.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now