[Ending 12] The Rescued Saviour

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A/N: as explained in the last ending, we resume the story outside of the JYPe building with a little trip to the phone store coming up immediately.

Also, while the word is never mentioned, there are descriptions of vomiting towards the very end of the chapter. Drink responsibly everyone.


*Your POV*

Your life had suddenly come to a shuddering halt, and everything that you had roughly planned was now all gone. Your source of income, your place of residence, your way of life, all gone in one fell swoop. And all you could do was take it on the chin and deal with it, but deal with it on your own without those closest to you.

You were glad it was the middle of summer, because you really weren't feeling moving around after what you had just gone through. Now completely dumbfounded after the reveal of the fate of TWICE, all you could manage to do was just stare off into the distance while you stood outside of the JYPe building like you had timed out in a video game.

Now, you were a fairly strong person mentally after dealing with everything in your life from the excruciatingly long days and nights as a medical student, being involved in the entertainment industry, and somehow always ending up being the emotional punching bag for those around you. But this situation you found yourself in was probably the most mentally taxing you had ever found yourself in.

"Hey! Quit loitering!" You suddenly heard from behind you. When you jumped in your shoes and turned around, you were met with the less-than-pleased face of the security guard who was standing at the doors with his arms crossed.

"S-Sorry." You stuttered out, giving an embarrassed half-bow in their general direction before going off in a light jog towards your car.

In your absolutely degrading mental condition, frankly you were very much looking forward to being back in your car. You weren't the biggest fan of driving in downtown Seoul, but you were looking forward to sitting in the car since at least that was a familiar environment. The car seat and clean interior was something that, once you reached it, just let it consume your body like it was a couch.

With a massive exhale, you just leant back in the seat, trying to calm yourself down. In your nervousness and embarrassment, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, now that your surroundings were completely silent. That certainly didn't help trying to calm down, but you fought through it the best you could and began attempting to calm your heart rate down. A few minutes of deep breathing later, you were back in a mental state stable enough to actually try and get your life back in order in some capacity.

First things first was to get away from the JYPe building, and that was definitely the easiest thing to accomplish. With a couple of turns, you were back and out in the main streets of Seoul, driving along with other road-goers going about their lives. And since you still wanted some time to clear your head, your mind decided that a quick drive through town was just what the doctor ordered.

This "prescribed" drive eventually took you away from the busy business and entertainment district of Seoul and out in a quieter part right by Namsan Park and the green space around it. As you drove down the twisty road right at the base of the small mountain, you noticed that the sun was beginning to set. And while you knew that there were a couple of hours until sunset, you knew that if you wanted to get anything done tonight, it was now or never.

While you were contemplating where to start, you saw on the side of the road a billboard for a new cellphone that was going on sale soon. Until now, the fact that you had no working phone had completely slipped your mind, since it had been filled with other things. But as you saw the sign with the model holding the new smartphone in her hands, you realised that getting a phone back would help with getting things somewhat back on track.

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