[36] When Worlds Collide

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*Your POV*

The world continued to suffer from the rapidly spreading virus, and you and the girls remained stuck in the dorm. While nothing had happened in terms of major arguments and the like, tensions were rising among the residents just from being around each other for so long and for such a continuous amount of time.

The one thing that had changed was that you had dropped your iconic glasses for contacts to avoid them fogging up while you wore a mask. You quickly realised that wearing glasses and a face mask was a recipe for disaster, with the lenses fogging up quite literally every time you exhaled. While you knew contacts were an option, you hated wearing them because it was a pain to wear and remove them everyday. But at this point, you were sick and tired of looking through foggy glasses, so you bit the bullet and swapped the iconic lenses. Combined with your borderline out-of-control hair held back with a headband due to barbers being closed, you looked like an entirely new person at first glance.

The first time you had any interaction with anyone with your new appearance was later that evening. You had spent the majority of the morning setting up an online fanmeet event for the ONCEs stuck at home in your office, and hadn't seen any of the members all day because of it. When you managed to crawl out of your room for some nourishment, it was almost 5 in the afternoon and before the girls would be doing a Vlive.

As you were rummaging through the fridge for something to munch on, you heard the footsteps of someone walking down from their room. What you weren't expecting was the reaction you were met with when said member saw you standing there.

"Who the... Y/N?" Momo asked, genuinely not knowing who you were at first.

"Oh, hi Momo." You replied simply before closing the fridge door. "What's up?"

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I'm just making food."

"No, I mean, what happened?" She asked again, this time physically touching your pushed back hair and glasses-less face.

"Erm, I'm not wearing glasses?" You returned, genuinely confused at her sudden interest.

"You look like a tennis player." She commented.

"Thank you?" Was all you could manage to say before another person entered, seeing Momo essentially feeling your face up.

"Jihyo! Y/N! Momo snuck a boyfriend into the dorm!" Sana shouted upstairs, making you and Momo panic.

"Sana, chill! I'm Y/N!" You waved in panic, not knowing what was going to happen.

Before anyone else could say anything, the rest of the members stormed downstairs with Jihyo leading the charge in a terrifying manner, ready to beat this uninvited visitor up.

"Woah woah woah! It's just me! Y/N!" You defended yourself against the angry mob that had descended to the dormitory kitchen.

"Wait, so Y/N is going out with Momo now?" Dahyun asked.

"I'm not going out with anyone!" You shouted back, getting a mix of emotions and reactions from the members.

"Okay everyone, let's calm down for a second." Jihyo said in her angry leader voice, shutting everyone up. "Y/N, the new look is very nice." She continued after everyone had settled down.

"Thanks." You returned simply, taking a breath and settling your elevated heart rate.

"Sana." Jihyo then turned to the girl who cried wolf. "Why would you do that?!"

"I-I mean, I walked in on Momo literally feeling up his face!" Sana defended herself through a growing blush on her face, bringing one up on both yours and Momo's as well.

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