[48] Call to Action

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*Your POV*

Hotel-2 was code for one of the massive hangars that could support the air force's largest aeroplanes. When you and Hyunjin had arrived at the open doors, there were groups of airmen in uniform huddled around rolling cork boards and equipment crates, all of them waiting for the mission briefing. Compared to the mundane atmosphere before the alarm rang, the hangar was buzzing with activity.

"Holy hell..." Hyunjin muttered out as the two of you arrived next to the rest of your company.

"Like a scene out of a movie, eh?" Sungjin whispered in response.


"Gentlemen, we've got a situation." Captain Hanyeol announced, getting everyone's attention. "Due to the constant rain these last few days, there's been a mudslide in the mountains near Sokcho, and it has cut off a major connecting route from the villages. We're being called in to assist in evacuating the trapped residents by the 13th Aviation Group of the Army."

"According to our weather forecast, it doesn't look like the weather will let up soon. Our utmost priority will be to pull the residents out before the inevitable landslide takes them away." Another officer added.

"We have identified the Sokcho International Ferry Terminal as the drop-off point. All companies are to land in the parking lot to the East where soldiers will be stationed to assist in the landing and movement of those displaced." Captain Hanyeol continued.

"Unfortunately for us, do not expect it to be smooth sailing." Colonel Ryeowoon interrupted the briefing. "With the proximity to the DMZ, do not be surprised when you get weapons system lock-on readings when you approach the AO."

"Holy shit..." Junho muttered seriously.

"Talk about a high-tension mission..." You whispered to no one in particular.

"233rd, Alpha to Foxtrot Companies, you will be flying in. Golf and Hotel Companies, as well as Alpha to Charlie Companies of the 231st are to be on stand-by at the Yangyang Coast Guard base in case additional evacuation teams are required. 235th, you have a different assignment. Await further briefing." Captain Hanyeol pointed out, scribbling on the map that was pinned on the cork board.

"Are we understood!?" Colonel Ryeowoon asked, getting everyone in attendance to stand up at attention. "Then gentlemen, good luck and Godspeed." After one final salute, everyone that was assigned immediately turned and began sprinting outside towards their helicopters.

Now that there was some time for the ground crews to get everyone set up, there was a whole collection of helicopters all lined up and in a neat formation on the tarmac. The best way to describe it really was organised chaos, with so many airmen and pilots running across the base, getting the plan in motion.

Once everyone from Bravo Company were in their helicopter, it was all hands on deck: the ground crew worked double time to get all of the safety equipment out of the way, and both Sungjin and Junho were rapidly pushing buttons and turning dials on the cockpit dashboard. Meanwhile, Ilhoon and Hyungwon were strapping down all of the emergency medical equipment and both you and Hyunjin got the rescue gear prepped for immediate use. Only about a minute later, the rotors of the helicopter sputtered to life, and the recognisable turbulence kicked up and blew the wind and rain in through the open doors of the helicopter.

"233rd, check in." 

"Alpha bird, standing by."

"Bravo bird, spooled up." Sungjin replied over the radio.

"Buckle up gentlemen, we're goin' flyin'!" Junho grinned from the cockpit.

"Charlie bird, ready to fly." "Delta bird, ready." "Echo bird, all cleared to go." "Foxtrot bird, spooling up."

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