[Ending 10] Sprintime Reunion

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A/N: let us begin the anime trope endings with Y/N once again outside of the JYPe building, but in a similar fashion to how Nayeon's ending began in the mid afternoon phase of the day.


*Your POV*

Mentally stressed and physically exhausted, you were standing outside just trying to calm yourself down. And with the warm breeze and the smell of the flowers in the air, thankfully most of the negative thoughts were escaping slowly but surely. Unfortunately not quickly enough as you were quickly told off by the security guard to leave.

Once you were back in your car, you now had a few choices to make. Finding a place to stay and getting back into the swing of living in regular society was top priority. But your body was saying otherwise, since your stomach began grumbling before you even left the parking lot. Even though you had eaten only a few hours ago, the stress from the last few minutes already got you hungry.

So now began the search for some food, and that was not going to be easy for you unfortunately, as today just happened to be a holiday and there were more than plenty of people out and about, both on the sidewalks and on the streets. That meant that traffic flow was going nowhere, and as soon as you made it on the main road outside of the office, you were stuck in horrific traffic.

The holiday also meant that much of what you could do was limited, as many stores and places would be closed. That meant you were going to remain disconnected from the world via your cellphone for another day, and you couldn't reach out to your connections or search online for places to stay for the night. But that was an issue for another time since other things took priority in your mind.

About 30 minutes of steering wheel-tapping later, you were very hungry but also slightly motion sick from all of the stop-and-go traffic that you had experienced. And at every single stoplight you were stuck at, you could see that pretty much everywhere that sold food had a queue going out of the door. With no end in sight for the traffic in front of you, you decided to try and escape it as quickly as possible and just walk instead.

Safe to say, different forms of anxiety were building up within you. With so many cars from outside of Seoul not knowing where they were going and the impatient locals losing their minds, you were paranoid about being involved in a collision at any point. But with shallow breaths and nervous sweating, you finally made it off the main road and on a slightly less-busy side road leading towards the river.

A few minutes later, you drove by a convenience store that was not very busy, as well as a parking lot for a nearby park right off the Han River. Seeing as this was the best place you could find, you quickly pulled in and finally relaxed, now that the risk of getting in an accident was pretty much out of the question. By being in the park, the air as soon as you stepped out of your car was just what the spring season would be: flowers with a hint of rain.

Taking in the amazing nature smells, you walked down the street back to the convenience store, which was a little bit busier than you remembered when you drove past earlier. Regardless, you were in search of some food that you were very much looking forward to, even with that little bit of motion sickness that still lingered.

Hearing the distinct door chimes once you stepped inside, it reminded you a lot of your time as a college student, since you frequented the same chain of stores back in the day. And since you knew exactly what you were looking for, you headed straight for where all of the boxed meals usually were. But unfortunately, it seemed like others before you had thought of the same thing, as there really wasn't any sort of selection available. Reluctantly, you picked up a mixed box that had a little bit of everything, since the variety caught your eye compared to the boxed kimbap next to it. After grabbing a bottle of iced tea in another refrigerator, you headed for the queue to pay.

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