[Ending 3] Takes Two to Tango

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A/N: this story begins after your little excursion at the phone store from the previous chapter, where you acquire your new phone as well as have your age crisis.


*Your POV*

One rather eventful trip to the phone store and with a little less money in your bank account, you were officially back in the world properly. That meant that you would finally be able to actually get some answers for the burning questions in your mind. Starting with finding a place to stay for the night or two.

In your mind, one call home to your parents would have made things so easy, but alas that would not be the case. As you dialled the number for the home phone, you hoped that after a few rings that someone would pick up. What you were not expecting was for the call not to go through at all.

"We're sorry, but the number you have dialled is no longer in service. Please check the number and try again."

'Right... That isn't ideal now, is it?' You thought as you ended the call and tried again on one of your parent's cellphones instead. Unfortunately, it was more of the same with your father, because when you called his number, that call gave you a proper answer but also led to a dead end.

"You have reached the number of Kwon Y/F/N. I am away on a business trip at the moment, and am unable to take your call. Please leave your name and a short message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you."

'Ooof, 0-for-2. Talk about bad luck.' You thought as you tried the final option: your mother. Now, you knew that she would often work later in the evenings, but you hoped that she would be done by this point in the day.

"Y/N?" Your mother asked, picking up after a few rings.

"Eomma? Everything okay?" You asked, slightly worried at her low energy voice.

"I'm alright, just tired." She replied. "Anyways, nice to hear from you. I thought we were supposed to chat next week?"

"Well, I finished my enlistment today."

"That's wonderful. You finally get a nice break."

"About that. Are you home by chance?"

"Sorry, Y/N. I'm at your grandma's."

"What happened? We never made a journey out to hers unless it was a holiday." You asked.

"Well, even though we kept telling her, she went out to the garden and blew out her back pulling weeds."

"Oh for crying out loud. She did it again?"

"You know how she is with that garden." She sighed. "Regardless, why did you want to know if I was home?"

"I need a place to stay for a bit, and I was hoping that I could crash at the apartment in the meantime."

"What happened to where you were staying before with the idols?"

"Work situation changed, long story."

"That's unfortunate, but sorry I can't be of much help. Unless you want to drive all the way down here tonight."

"I don't know if I could to begin with. Not sure I'll have enough range to get there and back, even if I top up on the way." You said sadly. "But thanks anyways. I'll work on sending a gift up there, and tell Halmeoni I said hi and get well soon."

"You got it. Make sure you stop by once I'm back, okay?"

"Sure thing, Eomma. Have a goodnight." You said before ending the call.

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