[Ending 7] Yuletide Merriment

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A/N: we return to the outside of the cellphone store to start this slightly off-timed ending for the first time in a few chapters.


*Your POV*

With a fancy new cellphone and a considerable chunk of money missing from your bank account later, you were now somewhat back to being a regular member of society. And while you ideally would've liked to take a nice walk down the nearby Han Riverwalk to clear your head, it was Christmas Eve. Even if all of the decorations on the trees were shining in the winter evening, you were not dressed nor ready to handle the frigid weather outside.

Eventually, you safely returned to your car with only one hairy moment where you almost slipped on a patch of ice by a crosswalk. With your heart now properly pumping and your face slowly warming up from the heater in the car, this was now your contemplation time.

There were so many things that you needed to sort out and rather quickly. Your job could wait since it was the holidays and the office probably wouldn't have that many people working until the new year. But one thing that really needed to be figured out was where you were going to sleep for the near future. While sleeping in the car would probably be more comfortable than where you had to sleep on assignment back in the air force, you knew that sleeping in a car during the winter was a one way trip to either the hospital or the morgue. So with that in mind, you began your drive through the snow-covered streets of Seoul towards the one place you knew would be a warm place to stay: your childhood home.

The snow had understandably really slowed down traffic everywhere you went, with the occasional car stuck on the side of the road or buried underneath the snow that had accumulated on top of it. And while you were fairly confident behind the wheel in these conditions, you couldn't say the same about those around you, many of whom were visibly struggling to drive in a straight direction.

'Man, if I make it home without getting hit, that's already a win for tonight...' You thought as you waited at a stop light, seeing a car do a full spin in the intersection.

Thankfully, the drive back home was not too far away from the phone store, so your very nervous drive did not last too long. Eventually, you pulled into the side road that led to the apartment building and your destination. Here was almost an entirely new environment, with the sidewalks all neatly shovelled and the fronts of houses and windows decorated with decorations and lights.

Once you were parked in one of the open parking spaces outside of the building, you mentally prepared yourself for the extreme discomfort you would experience once you stepped foot outside. While the cold air was somewhat okay, no amount of preparation would actually prepare you for a chunk of snow to fall off of the roof right as you stepped out, sliding right down behind the collar of your shirt and down your back.

Extreme discomfort was a fairly accurate statement to describe what you were feeling. You couldn't help but hop around with your shoulders pulled back, just trying your best to deal with both the shock and getting the snow out of your shirt. Thankfully for you, there wasn't anyone out and about that could have witnessed what you were going through, but there still could've been someone in one of the nearby buildings that got a nice chuckle out of your dismay, and that made you feel a little bit better about the situation.

Once your body had gotten somewhat used to the melted snow trickling down your back, you trudged over to the boot of your car and quickly pulled out your bags to minimise the length of time you would be spending in the cold. With the two fairly large bags now over your shoulders, you carefully walked over to the front door of the apartment building.

Since your parents were always insistent on having access to the house, a house key was something you always had on your keyring regardless of if you needed it. While you never took their offer of a free room before, you were more than happy and glad that the offer still stood. Having the key to the apartment on hand made getting into the building very easy, and all you had to do was wait for an elevator to take you up to the 5th floor.

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