[17] One In A Million: Encore

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*Your POV*

"Okay everyone, meeting adjourned. Thanks for your time."

Another team meeting came and went. While the prep work was slowly proceeding as planned, there was only about 2 months left until the day of the concert. Because the time remaining was slowly dwindling, JYP had insisted that you follow up with your team more frequently, which meant more meetings with your staff.

In this meeting, someone brought up the idea of doing something for the girls to show their support and congratulations. After ideas were thrown around the room, the idea of recording video messages for the girls was the final plan, with the idea evolving into getting video messages from the girls' relatives and close friends in the industry. While JYP had signed off on the idea, you weren't entirely happy with it.

Although it was a touching and meaningful way to show the girls support from the people around them, you thought that you could do more since you and the girls had gone through so much together in your 2 and a bit years together. So with an idea in mind, you approached JYP once you two were the last ones in the boardroom.

"Good work, Y/N. you're doing a great job." JYP commended you.

"Thank you, PD-nim." You thanked him.

"Hmm? Did you need something?" He asked you, noticing that you didn't look like you were leaving.

"Actually, I have an idea I want to pitch to you." You told him nervously.

"Oh. Okay, I'll listen. Sit down." He pointed at a chair next to the one he was sitting on.

"Okay." You took a breath before explaining your proposal. "So, the video message idea is great and all, but I want to do more. Since we've been to essentially hell and back, I want to show my appreciation to the girls in a more personal way."

"Okay, continue."

"I want to force an encore at the concert where the girls sing 2 specific songs. They would start with 'Like A Fool', and finish with 'One In A Million'. And I want to play the guitar alongside them."

Once you finished explaining, you waited with your head down, unable to look at JYP while he thought over your proposal. And after what felt like an eternity, JYP gave his answer. "Y/N-ssi."

Just JYP saying your name with proper honorifics scared you, since he never called anyone who worked for or with him with honorifics unless he was upset. But before you could dwell on it any further, he continued.

"It's a tall order. You do realise that this is way above something that a mere manager should be doing, right?" JYP asked you, to which you could only answer with a nod. *sigh* "Y/N-ssi, look at me."

After sucking up the fear and anxiety that was building up within you, you looked at him, trying to hide away your nervousness. "Listen, I'm not going to say yes." JYP stated.

Accepting the rejection, you nodded silently and stood up, grabbing your belongings and headed towards the door. However, before you grabbed the door handle, JYP spoke out to you again. "But I'm not going to say no either."

Shocked didn't even begin to describe what you were now feeling. You turned around so fast to see if JYP was serious, and you saw that he had a smile on his face and waved you off with a nod. "Get out of here, Y/N. Go practice."

"Y-yes sir! Thank you, sir!" You thanked very loudly with multiple bows before running out of the room.

"Aish, what a creative person you are..." JYP muttered once the doors were closed.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now