[6] For the Fans

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*Your POV*

You woke up very slowly from a rather uncomfortable sleep. As you rubbed your neck since you had clearly slept wrong, you were still groggy and didn't take in your surroundings at all. Standing up from what you thought was your bed, you stumbled around to where you thought your bathroom was, reaching for the door handle... A door handle that didn't exist.

You fumbled around in the air, reaching for the door handle that usually was there. After a few seconds of grabbing at the air, you slowly looked up and noticed that you were standing in some open area of a living room.

Now wide awake, you noticed two things: you weren't in your house, and you were dressed in your clothes from the day before, but with the addition of a purple blanket draped around your shoulders.

"Morning, oppa." A voice called out from behind you. Turning around, you saw Dahyun happily sipping on a mug of something at the kitchen table. "Have a good sleep?" She asked you.

"Oh God! I fell asleep here last night didn't I?" You realised, pinching between your eyes in frustration and embarrassment.

With the only thing left to do being to face whatever consequences, you begrudgingly walked over to the kitchen to make a cup of strong coffee, and sat at the table with Dahyun with your head down, still not quite awake.

After what felt like only a few seconds, more people walked into the kitchen. Now that you were more awake, something about everyone's behavior felt off to you, so you decided to ask everyone about it. "Hey, out of curiosity, how come none of you are surprised at seeing me here?"

"Well, you were already asleep when we got back from filming last night." Jeongyeon told you.

"I found you on the couch when I was grabbing my DS before bed." Mina added.

"Ohhh, this is so embarrassing. I've only been working for 2 days..." Your head dropped all the way to the table, rattling your mug against it.

"Also, why do you have Sana's blanket?" Tzuyu asked, walking in from the hall by the bedrooms.

"I don't know, I just woke up in my employer's living room. A blanket is the least of my worries right now to be honest." You mutter out with frustration.

"There, there." Jihyo walked over and patted your shoulder in reassurance. "Look on the bright side: we aren't upset with you, and it's not like this will get you fired or anything."

"I guess that's a plus." You sat up, eyes not really focused on anything apart from the mug of coffee in your hands. "What time did you all get in last night?" You asked, trying to alleviate as much tension as possible.

"I think around 12:30? Although we did get to eat your food when we got back." Dahyun replied.

"Yeah, it was really tasty." Jihyo commented, now fully sitting next to you.

As you sat there sipping on your now lukewarm coffee, eventually everyone sat in and around the kitchen making small talk since their morning was free from any schedules. Now that everyone was settled down for their slow morning, you figured you had time to take it easy and freshen up back at your apartment. However, this would not be the case.

"Hey, what time were we supposed to leave today?" Chaeyoung asked from the hall.

"I was supposed to be here around 11:30, why?" You asked, looking up towards her direction.

"Eep! No time!" Chaeyoung shouted running back to her room, slamming her door closed.

"What's up with her?" You asked Jihyo who also looked troubled by what had happened.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now